Case Docket

Case Number: 578037  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
04/07/16 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
04/07/16 02 Forms 10.00
04/07/16 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
04/07/16 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
04/07/16 05 Computer Fee 10.00
04/07/16 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 26.00
04/07/16 08 Dispute Resolution Fund 15.00
04/07/16 gi Guardianship Investigator's Expense 75.00
04/07/16 16 Special Projects Fund 15.00
04/07/16 cb COST BILL .00
04/07/16 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian 20.00
04/07/16 ge Entry Setting Hearing 05/23/2016 .00
10:00 am
04/07/16 15.0 Next of Kin .00
04/07/16 15.1 Waiver of Notice .00
Keith Mason
04/07/16 15.2 Guardian - Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
04/07/16 16.1 Affidavit of Custody .00
04/07/16 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information .00
04/07/16 15.4 Guardian's Credibility Application .00
04/07/16 17ca Change of Address Information for .00
04/07/16 psoe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
04/07/16 Receipt 473488 199.00
04/08/16 2y Notice of Hearing .00
04/08/16 vgcs Guardianship: Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Darren Shepherd 0473-25
04/08/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
04/12/16 wc - Keith Mason 22.00
WebCheck Fingerprinting
04/12/16 Receipt 473735 22.00
04/12/16 dl Copy of Driver's License of: .00
Keith J Mason
04/13/16 fn Fingerprint Return No Hit .00
- Keith J Mason
04/20/16 ma30 Motion to Appoint Special Process Server .00
04/20/16 a30 Entry Appointing Special Process Server 5.00
Jill Richardson
04/20/16 Receipt 474171 10.35
04/21/16 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
DS 047325
05/17/16 17.8 Investigator's Report .00
05/17/16 cos Certificate of Service Erik von 6.40
05/17/16 16.4 Notice to Prospective Ward of .00
Application and Hearing.
05/19/16 aos Affidavit of Service .00
Darren Shepherd
05/23/16 cb COST BILL .00
05/23/16 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
05/23/16 adl Additional Letters of Authority 2.00
05/23/16 17d Magistrate's Decision .00
Keiht Mason is appointed guardian of the
person. Bond amount 88.400.00
05/23/16 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties .00
05/23/16 17c Findings of Fact .00
05/23/16 17n Entry Adopting Magistrate's Decision 5.00
05/23/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
05/23/16 15.5 Entry Appointing Guardian, Letter of 5.00
MASON, KEITH J. (fidy)
05/23/16 15.9 Oath of Guardian .00
05/23/16 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/RLI Ins Co 88400.00 .00
Frank Duffy
05/23/16 bacb Bond Application for CBS Agency .00
05/23/16 att Attachments .00
05/23/16 Receipt 476041 48.40
05/24/16 dr Digital Record of Hearing ABK .00
5/23/2016/ hearing room 22E
05/26/16 15c Application to Release Funds .00
05/26/16 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
05/26/16 cc Certified Copy 1.00
05/26/16 Receipt 476319 6.00
06/03/16 6.0 Inventory 43973.09 7.00
06/03/16 Receipt 476747 7.00
06/03/16 15an Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
Funds (Non-Custodial)
06/03/16 15bn Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
06/03/16 att Attachments .00
06/03/16 Receipt 476752 15.00
10/14/16 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 3602.50 5.00
Erik Brunckhorst 231.35
10/14/16 fs Fee Schedule .00
10/14/16 Receipt 484345 5.00
11/02/16 mo Magistrate's Order Setting Attorney 11/22/2016 5.00
Fees For Non-Oral Hearing 4:30pm
11/02/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
11/28/16 morf Magistrate's Order Regarding Fees 3833.35 .00
11/28/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
04/25/17 16k Notice to File 0090590 1.00
04/25/17 13k Notice to File Account 0090590 1.00
05/26/17 rgg Receipt of guardianship guide .00
05/26/17 22n Guardian's Report 5.00
05/26/17 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
05/26/17 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
05/26/17 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 06/23/2017 5.00
05/26/17 15an Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
Funds (Non-Custodial)
05/26/17 15bn Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
05/26/17 Receipt 497061 32.00
06/01/17 rc Resignation of Counsel .00
06/01/17 401 Affidavit .00
06/01/17 att Attachments .00
06/01/17 rce Entry Approving Resignation of Counsel 5.00
06/01/17 Receipt 497322 5.00
06/15/17 22ni Investigator Review of Guardian's Report .00
06/26/17 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
06/26/17 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 07/31/2017 5.00
07/27/17 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 23.00
07/27/17 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
07/27/17 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 14.00 .00
07/27/17 1e Entry Setting Hearing 5.00
GDN First Account 09/13/2017
AT 10:30AM
07/27/17 13l Entry Extending Publication Hearing for 09/15/2017 .00
Account STAT
07/27/17 Receipt 500323 33.00
07/28/17 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
08/01/17 sn ***************SEE NOTES*************** .00
RE: Gdn took original paperwork filed
on July 27th 2017
08/02/17 r Receipt .00
08/02/17 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTONIC - 2017 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
09/14/17 dr Digital Record of Hearing KAG .00
09/13/2017 / hearing room 22D
Time: 10:44:24-11:39:25
09/15/17 13h Judgment Entry Approving Partial Account .00
09/19/17 mo Magistrate's Order To Fiduciary To Hire Green 5.00
Counsel Or Obtain Bond Waiver.
09/19/17 cos Certificate of Service .00
10/26/17 50m Application to Terminate 10.00
10/26/17 dc Death Certificate .00
10/26/17 50p Entry Terminating and Ordering Final 12/15/2017 5.00
10/26/17 Receipt 505277 20.00
11/16/17 13k Notice to File Account Sent To fidy 1.00
12/29/17 fb Funeral Bill .00
12/29/17 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
12/29/17 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 01/29/2018 .00
01/29/18 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
01/29/18 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 02/23/2018 .00
02/22/18 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
02/22/18 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 04/11/2018 5.00
proposed final account & release from 8:30 am
administration require hearing & notice
to next of kin
02/22/18 Receipt 511369 6.00
02/22/18 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 02 22.00
02/22/18 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements 0.00 .00
02/22/18 Receipt 511371 22.00
02/23/18 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
04/11/18 13i Judgment Entry Approving Final Account .00
04/11/18 dp Docket Page .00
04/12/18 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
04/11/2018 / hearing room 22A
Time: 8:37:53-8:52:37
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