Case Docket

Case Number: 575375  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
10/29/15 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
10/29/15 02 Forms 10.00
10/29/15 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
10/29/15 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
10/29/15 05 Computer Fee 10.00
10/29/15 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 26.00
10/29/15 08 Dispute Resolution Fund 15.00
10/29/15 16 Special Projects Fund 15.00
10/29/15 1.1 Full Estate Deposit Rec # 464658 250.00
Anacleto Galli 09/30/2014
Codicil 12/22/2014
10/29/15 1.0 Surviving Spouse, Next of Kin, Legatee- N .00
10/29/15 2.0 Application to Probate Will .00
10/29/15 2.3 Entry Admitting Will to Probate 15.00
10/29/15 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Mark A. Galli
10/29/15 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Shane Pierce, Marcus Galli, Ariel Pierce
Robert Galli
10/29/15 4.0 Application for Authority to Administer 5.00
10/29/15 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
10/29/15 dc Death Certificate .00
10/29/15 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of 10.00
10/29/15 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
10/29/15 adl Additional Letters of Authority 19.00
10/30/15 19k Notice of Case Schedule 1.00
11/02/15 3.a Application to Appoint Appraiser .00
11/02/15 Entry Appointing Appraiser 13 5.00
See Notes
12/30/15 18m Citation to File Certificate of Service sent to fidy 5.00
of Notice of Probate of Will
12/30/15 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
12/30/15 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent ` 5.35
Robert Gallie 071603
12/30/15 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Bruno E Voltolini 071610
01/06/16 rr Return Receipt for Notice of Probate of .00
Michael Kundla
01/06/16 2.2a Notice of Probate of Will .00
Margaret Ann McClung
01/06/16 2.3a Certificate of Service of Notice of .00
Probate of Will
02/01/16 6m Citation to File Inventory sent to fidy 5.00
02/01/16 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
02/01/16 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Robert Galli 076141
02/01/16 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Bruno E Voltolini 076158
02/18/16 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 076141
02/18/16 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
BEV 076158
03/16/16 m Motion .00
To Extend Time
03/16/16 mem Memorandum in Support .00
03/16/16 8ic Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 04/22/2016 5.00
04/22/16 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
Bruno E Voltolini
04/22/16 mem Memorandum in Support .00
04/22/16 1e Entry Setting Hearing 05/09/2016 5.00
04/22/16 fs Fee Schedule .00
04/22/16 6.0 Inventory 2910830.00 17.00
04/22/16 6t Ohio Estate Tax Anticipated? N .00
04/22/16 6n Appraiser's Certificate V 3.00
- John Royer
04/22/16 6n Appraiser's Certificate V 3.00
- Eclectic Auctions/Jeffrey L Spear
04/22/16 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: 1,774,000 .00
04/22/16 eb Exhibits 1-14 .00
04/22/16 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees .00
04/25/16 6e Entry Setting Hearing on Inventory .00
04/29/16 ob Objections of ann McClung to Subpoena .00
served April 27, 2016 and Motionto Quash
04/29/16 mem Memorandum in Support .00
04/29/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
04/29/16 1e Entry Setting Hearing 06/06/2016 5.00
2:00 pm
04/29/16 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 474771 5.00
05/02/16 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
05/02/16 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
05/02/16 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Robert Galli 089769
05/02/16 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Bruno E Voltolini 089776
05/09/16 mfl Application to Extend Administration .00
05/09/16 mfle Entry Extending Administration bfs 5.00
05/09/16 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 15000.00 5.00
Bruno E. Voltolini
05/09/16 mem Memorandum in Support .00
05/09/16 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees 5.00
05/09/16 pos Proof of Service .00
to Margaret Ann McClung
05/09/16 pos Proof of Service .00
Michael Kundla
05/09/16 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 475267 100.00
05/10/16 19k Notice of Case Schedule 1.00
05/11/16 9.7 Application to Transfer Motor Vehicle .00
05/11/16 9.8 Entry Approving Transfer of Motor 2007 Hyundai 5.00
05/11/16 cc Certified Copy 1.00
05/12/16 17oi Exceptions to Inventory 10.00
05/12/16 mem Memorandum in Support .00
05/12/16 17pi Entry Setting Exceptions to Inventory 06/17/2016 5.00
for Hearing 8:30 am
05/12/16 eb Exhibit A 10.00
05/12/16 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 475429 25.00
For Exceptions To Inventory
05/13/16 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
5/9/2016/ hearing room 22D
06/03/16 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
06/03/16 mem Memorandum in Support .00
06/03/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
06/03/16 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 07/18/2016 5.00
3:00 pm
06/03/16 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA Objections of .00
Ann McClung To Subpoena
06/03/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
06/03/16 eb Exhibits 1 thru 4 3.00
06/03/16 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA Ann McClung's .00
Objections To Inventory
06/03/16 e Entry 5.00
06/03/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
06/03/16 eb Exhibits 1 thru 3 23.00
06/17/16 mo Magistrate's Order Green .00
06/17/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
06/21/16 dr Digital Record of Hearing KAG .00
6/17/2016 / hearing room 22D
07/08/16 misc Remaining Exceptions To Inventory Of .00
Margaret Ann McClung
07/08/16 mem Memorandum in Support .00
07/08/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
07/08/16 eb Exhibit A .00
07/19/16 dr Digital Record of Hearing TAS .00
7/18/2016/ hearing room 22D
07/19/16 17d Magistrate's Decision Stone .00
see decision
07/19/16 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties .00
07/19/16 17c Findings of Fact .00
07/19/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
08/05/16 ej Entry (Judge) see entry 5.00
Robert G Montgomery
08/05/16 cos Certificate of Service .00
09/06/16 1ca Application for Attorney Fees (early) 20000.00 5.00
Bruno Voltolini
09/06/16 mem Memorandum in Support .00
09/06/16 1e Entry Setting Hearing 10/04/2016 5.00
9:30 am
09/06/16 2.1 Notice of Hearing .00
09/13/16 12.0 Application for Certificate of Transfer 1 7.00
09/13/16 12.a Certificate of Transfer 1 .00
09/13/16 12.2 Entry Issuing Certificate of Transfer 1 .00
09/13/16 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 482517 100.00
09/13/16 6a Amended Inventory 2909815.00 17.00
09/13/16 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: 1774000.00 .00
10/04/16 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees 5.00
10/04/16 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees .00
Robert Galli
Marcus Galli
Shane Pierce
10/04/16 ros Return of Service on Atty Fees .00
Ariel Pierce by personal service
10/04/16 ros Return of Service of Atty Fees to .00
Margaret Ann McClurry by leaving
copy taping on door
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
10/27/16 cc Certified Copy 2.00
10/27/16 12.0 Application for Certificate of Transfer 2 7.00
10/27/16 12.a Certificate of Transfer 2 .00
10/27/16 12.2 Entry Issuing Certificate of Transfer 2 .00
11/07/16 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
11/07/16 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 01/18/2017 5.00
12/21/16 12.0 Application for Certificate of Transfer 3,4 & 5 7.00
12/21/16 12.a Certificate of Transfer 3,4 & 5 .00
12/21/16 12.2 Entry Issuing Certificate of Transfer 3,4 & 5 .00
01/17/17 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
01/17/17 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 01/31/2017 5.00
01/23/17 12.0 Application for Certificate of Transfer 6, 7, 8 7.00
01/23/17 12.a Certificate of Transfer 6, 7 , 8 .00
01/23/17 12.2 Entry Issuing Certificate of Transfer 6, 7, 8 .00
02/01/17 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
02/01/17 15m Citation to File Status Letter sent to fidy 5.00
02/01/17 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
02/01/17 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Robert Galli 116830
02/01/17 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Bruno E Voltolini 116847
02/01/17 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
02/01/17 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Robert Galli 117196
02/01/17 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.35
Bruno E Voltolini 117202
02/08/17 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
BEV 116847
02/08/17 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 117196
02/16/17 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
BEV 117202
02/23/17 12.0 Application for Certificate of Transfer 10 & 11 7.00
10 & 11
02/23/17 12.a Certificate of Transfer 10 & 11 .00
02/23/17 12.2 Entry Issuing Certificate of Transfer 10 & 11 .00
02/23/17 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 491508 100.00
02/23/17 cc Certified Copy 2.00
02/23/17 cc Certified Copy 1.00
03/30/17 12.0 Application for Certificate of Transfer 9 7.00
03/30/17 12.a Certificate of Transfer 9 .00
03/30/17 12.2 Entry Issuing Certificate of Transfer 9 .00
03/30/17 st Status Letter 5.00
03/30/17 6p Motion to Amend Inventory .00
03/30/17 6q Entry Amending Inventory .00 5.00
3641 Clerview ave
03/30/17 6.b Report of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
03/30/17 Entry Approving Report of Newly 64800.00 5.00
03/30/17 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 22.00
03/30/17 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
03/30/17 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 200256.04 .00
03/30/17 ex Extra Pages 20.00
03/30/17 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
03/31/17 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
04/06/17 17ri STAT .00
05/11/17 13h Judgment Entry Approving Partial Account .00
08/04/17 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTONIC - 2017 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
01/04/18 6.b Report of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
01/04/18 Entry Approving Report of Newly 25000.00 5.00
03/05/18 13k Notice to File Account 0023404 1.00
03/05/18 15k Notice to File Status Letter 0023404 1.00
04/06/18 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
04/06/18 15m Citation to File Status Letter sent to fidy 5.00
04/06/18 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
04/06/18 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.45
robert Galli 195248
04/06/18 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.45
Bruno E Voltolini 195255
04/06/18 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
04/06/18 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.45
Robert Galli 195453
04/06/18 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.45
Bruno E Voltolini 195460
04/10/18 st Status Letter 5.00
04/18/18 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 195248
04/18/18 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 195453
05/07/18 54 Release .00
Matthew McClung, Robert Galli
Marcus Galli
05/22/18 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTRONIC - 2018 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
06/05/18 m Motion To Transfer 100 shares Of .00
Columbus Concretre Construction Co.
06/05/18 e Entry Duffy 5.00
06/05/18 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 517244 50.00
06/05/18 8ac Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 07/13/2018 5.00
07/11/18 8ac Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 08/24/2018 5.00
08/24/18 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 02 24.00
08/24/18 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
08/24/18 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 25746.90 .00
08/24/18 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
08/27/18 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
10/09/18 13h Judgment Entry Approving Partial Account .00
03/12/19 15k Notice to File Status Letter 0023404 1.00
04/15/19 15m Citation to File Status Letter sent to fidy 5.00
04/15/19 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
04/15/19 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.60
Robert Galli 260090
04/15/19 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.60
Bruno E Voltolini 260106
04/15/19 st Status Letter 5.00
04/24/19 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 260090
05/02/19 l LETTER: To: Bruni E. Voltolini .00
From: FCPC, Benjamin F. Suffron
07/29/19 13k Notice to File Account 0023404 1.00
08/26/19 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTRONIC - 2019 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
09/03/19 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
09/03/19 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
09/03/19 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.60
Robert Galli 286076
09/03/19 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.60
Burno E Voltolini 286083
09/23/19 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 286076
10/02/19 vcmw Virtual Service Returned/NO SERVICE .00
Bruno E Voltolini Unclaimed 286083
12/10/19 8ac Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 01/03/2020 5.00
12/10/19 9f Charge of Contempt/FIDUCIARY 5.00
12/10/19 9c Order that Summons Issue .00
12/10/19 9b Summons in Contempt .00
Robert Galli
12/17/19 9d Return of Summons in Contempt 46.00
Robert Galli Served 12/16/19
02/10/20 9a Charge of Contempt/ATTORNEY 0023404 5.00
02/10/20 9c Order that Summons Issue .00
02/10/20 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
02/10/20 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.60
Bruno Voltolini 331103
02/10/20 misc CONTEMPT HEARING DATE 3/26/20 AT 11AM .00
02/10/20 9f Charge of Contempt/FIDUCIARY 5.00
02/10/20 9c Order that Summons Issue .00
02/10/20 9b Summons in Contempt .00
Robert Galli
02/12/20 9d Return of Summons in Contempt 46.00
Robert Galli Served 2/11/20
03/11/20 vcmw Virtual Service Returned/NO SERVICE .00
Bruno E Voltolini Unclaimed 331103
03/17/20 15k Notice to File Status Letter 0023404 1.00
03/30/20 l LETTER: to Bruno E. Voltolini .00
from Robert V. Morris
05/21/20 l LETTER: to Bruno E. Voltolini, Esq from .00
Robert V. Morris
05/26/20 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTRONIC - 2020 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
08/04/20 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
08/04/20 15m Citation to File Status Letter sent to fidy 5.00
08/04/20 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
08/04/20 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.60
Robert Galli 336245
08/04/20 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
08/04/20 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.60
Robert Galli 336504
08/18/20 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 336245
08/18/20 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 336504
12/08/20 9f Charge of Contempt/FIDUCIARY 5.00
12/08/20 9c Order that Summons Issue .00
12/08/20 9b Summons in Contempt .00
Robert Galli
12/15/20 9d Return of Summons in Contempt 46.00
Robert Galli Served 12/14/20
02/09/21 9f Charge of Contempt/FIDUCIARY 5.00
02/09/21 9c Order that Summons Issue .00
02/09/21 eb Exhibit .00
02/09/21 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
02/09/21 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.60
Robert Galli 363852
02/18/21 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
RG 363852
03/10/21 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 03 24.00
03/10/21 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
03/11/21 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
04/21/21 13i Judgment Entry Approving Final Account .00
09/25/23 op stat only .00
09/25/23 l LETTER: to Mathew J Voltolini .00
from Magistrate Assistant Monica Harris
09/25/23 99 Case Closed .00
10/12/23 op stat only .00
10/12/23 rmr Regular Mail Returned/Not Complete .00
Mathew J Voltolini
10/12/23 cos Certificate of Service supplemental .00
10/12/23 99 Case Closed .00
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