Case Docket

Case Number: 563628  
Case Subtype: EO  ESTATE ONLY

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
11/14/13 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
11/14/13 02 Forms 10.00
11/14/13 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
11/14/13 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
11/14/13 05 Computer Fee 10.00
11/14/13 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 26.00
11/14/13 08 Dispute Resolution Fund 10.00
11/14/13 wc - Michael Morelli 22.00
WebCheck Fingerprinting
11/14/13 cb COST BILL .00
11/14/13 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian 20.00
11/14/13 ge Entry Setting Hearing 01/03/2014 .00
11/14/13 15.0 Next of Kin .00
11/14/13 15.1 Waiver of Notice .00
Michael Morelli
11/14/13 15.2 Guardian - Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
11/14/13 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information .00
11/14/13 16.1 Affidavit of Custody .00
11/14/13 15.4 Guardian's Credibility Application .00
11/14/13 17ca Change of Address Information for .00
11/14/13 aa Attention Applicants .00
11/14/13 Receipt 425710 126.00
12/20/13 dl Copy of Driver's License of: .00
Michael Morelli
12/31/13 fn Fingerprint Return No Hit .00
Michael Morelli
01/03/14 cb COST BILL .00
01/03/14 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
01/03/14 adl Additional Letters of Authority 3.00
01/03/14 17d Magistrate's Decision Meister .00
Michael Morelli shall be named the
guardian of the estate. The guardian
shall maintain a guardian account of
01/03/14 ex $ 20,000.00 with a Bond of $ 40,000.00 .00
01/03/14 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties .00
01/03/14 17c Findings of Fact .00
01/03/14 17n Entry Approving Magistrate's Decision 5.00
01/03/14 cos Certificate of Service .00
01/03/14 15.5 Entry Appointing Guardian, Letter of 5.00
01/03/14 15.9 Oath of Guardian .00
01/03/14 bc Birth Certificate .00
01/03/14 obit Obituary .00
01/03/14 Receipt 428134 43.00
01/03/14 dr Digital Record of Hearing FM .00
01/03/2014 22-E
Time: 2:25:11 p.m.-2:41:25 p.m.
02/11/14 cc Certified Copy 1.00
02/11/14 16a Motion for Release of Assets to be .00
Deposited w/Custodian in Lieu of Bond
02/11/14 16b Entry Ordering Deposit of Assets AMERIPRISE 5.00
In Lieu of Bond 796371.32
02/11/14 Receipt 430074 6.00
02/26/14 16c Verification of Receipt or Deposit AMERIPRISE .00
001 Y
02/26/14 6.0 Inventory 796371.32 7.00
02/26/14 15a Application for Authority to Expend 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
02/26/14 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds .00
02/26/14 15c Application to Release Funds .00
02/26/14 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
02/26/14 ex Extra Pages 1.00
02/26/14 Receipt 430926 29.00
02/26/14 13.7 Entry Extending Accounting Until .00
Further Order by the Court
02/26/14 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 02/15/2025 .00
03/17/14 15c Application to Release Funds .00
03/17/14 att Attachments .00
03/17/14 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
03/17/14 cc Certified Copy 1.00
03/17/14 Receipt 431989 6.00
04/07/14 15c Application to Release Funds .00
04/07/14 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5922.00 5.00
04/07/14 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
04/07/14 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees 5712.00 5.00
04/07/14 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees 5922.00 .00
Michael Morelli
04/07/14 fs Fee Schedule .00
04/07/14 cc Certified Copy 2.00
04/07/14 Receipt 433256 17.00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
05/05/15 13r Custodial Year End Report 2014 AMERIPRISE .00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
07/21/16 13r Custodial Year End Report 2015 AMERIPRISE .00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
07/06/17 13r Custodial Year End Report 2016 AMERIPRISE .00
07/14/17 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTONIC - 2017 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
10/11/17 15a Application for Authority to Expend 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
10/11/17 att Attachments 6.00
10/11/17 hrw Household Resource Worksheet .00
10/11/17 Receipt 504464 22.00
10/17/17 15bd Entry Denying Expenditure of Funds .00
01/12/18 15a Application for Authority to Expend 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
01/12/18 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 1580.22 .00
(Custodial) 200.00
01/12/18 15c Application to Release Funds .00
01/12/18 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
01/12/18 att Attachments .00
01/12/18 Receipt 509087 21.00
02/02/18 15a Application for Authority to Expend 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
02/02/18 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds .00
02/02/18 15c Application to Release Funds .00
02/02/18 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
02/02/18 att Attachments 9.00
02/02/18 Receipt 510246 30.00
04/24/18 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTRONIC - 2018 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
05/07/18 15a Application for Authority to Expend 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
05/07/18 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 557.50 .00
(Custodial) 12053.00
05/07/18 15c Application to Release Funds .00
05/07/18 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
05/07/18 eb Exhibits A thru C .00
05/07/18 Receipt 515669 21.00
06/13/18 15a Application for Authority to Expend 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
06/13/18 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 2453.10 .00
(Custodial) Stone
06/13/18 eb Exhibits A + B .00
06/13/18 ex Extra Pages 4.00
06/13/18 15c Application to Release Funds .00
06/13/18 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
06/13/18 cc Certified Copy 1.00
06/13/18 Receipt 517698 26.00
07/27/18 15a Application for Authority to Expend See attached 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
07/27/18 15c Application to Release Funds .00
07/27/18 eb Exhibit A - D 56.00
07/27/18 Receipt 520258 72.00
08/02/18 hrw Household Resource Worksheet .00
08/06/18 eb Exhibit .00
08/07/18 15a Application for Authority to Expend 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
08/07/18 eb Exhibit A-B .00
08/07/18 15c Application to Release Funds .00
08/07/18 ex Extra Pages 2.00
08/07/18 Receipt 520829 18.00
08/10/18 mo Magistrate's Order Appointing Guardian 5.00
Ad Litem
Scott Bellinger
08/10/18 cos Certificate of Service .00
08/21/18 gal Guardian Ad Litem Report .00
08/21/18 cos Certificate of Service .00
08/21/18 ex Extra Pages 2.00
08/21/18 Receipt 521610 7.00
08/21/18 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds .00
(Custodial) Order Approving Expenditure
of up to 400,000.00 of guardianship fund
for hte purchase of real estate
08/21/18 15bd Entry Denying Expenditure of Funds .00
Order denyin Expenditure of Guardianship
Funds and disapproval of real estate.
08/21/18 15bd Order Denying Expenditure Of .00
Guardianship Funds And Disapproval Of
Real Estate Contract.
08/21/18 cc Certified Copy 4.00
08/21/18 Receipt 521662 4.00
09/04/18 app Application To Approve Purchase Of .00
Residential Real Estate And For
Authority To Release Funds From Stewart
Title And From Custodial Account
09/04/18 ex continued... And From Custodial Account .00
Directly To Elder And Elder Attorney At
09/04/18 repc Real Estate Purchase Contract .00
09/04/18 e Entry Morris 5.00
09/04/18 ex Extra Pages 11.00
09/04/18 cc Certified Copy 1.00
09/04/18 Receipt 522377 17.00
09/10/18 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees 10.00
09/10/18 fs Fee Schedule .00
09/10/18 morf Magistrate's Order Regarding Fees 2611.00 .00
09/10/18 Receipt 522692 10.00
09/25/18 ccai Correction of Custodial Acct Identifiers AMERIPRISE .00
09/25/18 13r Custodial Year End Report 2017 AMERIPRISE .00
10/23/18 nc Notice of Change of Address of: .00
GDN and Ward
10/23/18 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 10.00
Randall, S. Brewster, II
10/23/18 fs Fee Schedule .00
10/23/18 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees .00
Morelli, Michael
10/23/18 morf Magistrate's Order Regarding Fees 3445.07 .00
10/23/18 ex Extra Pages 1.00
10/23/18 15c Application to Release Funds .00
10/23/18 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 2611.00 5.00
10/23/18 cc Certified Copy 1.00
10/23/18 Receipt 524967 17.00
10/24/18 15a Application for Authority to Expend see attached 16.00
Funds from Custodial Account. (Includes
costs for Entry and Certification)
10/24/18 15c Application to Release Funds see attached .00
10/24/18 eb Exhibits A - I 17.00
10/24/18 Receipt 525045 33.00
11/28/18 17d Magistrate's Decision-The application Morris .00
for expend & release of funds is
approved in part & denied in part. The
expenditure in the amt of $500.00 &
11/28/18 ex 585.00 to Brian Green shall be approved. .00
All other expenditures are denied.
11/28/18 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties .00
11/28/18 17c Findings of Fact .00
11/28/18 cos Certificate of Service .00
12/12/18 md MOTION DOCKET: .00
12/12/18 m18ob Objections to Magistrate's Decision .00
& Request For Oral Hearing
12/28/18 sc Substitution of Counsel 0014974 .00
Lagos, James H.
12/28/18 l LETTER: Cover Letter .00
12/28/18 m Motion to Transfer Guardianship to the .00
Probate Court of Clark County, OH
12/28/18 mem Memorandum in Support .00
12/28/18 att Attachments .00
Entry Appointing Guardian - Clark County
Probate Court
12/28/18 l LETTER: To: Judge Richard P. Carey of .00
Clark County Probate Court
From: Benjamin F. Suffron
02/08/19 misc Notice of Intent to Accept Jurisdiction .00
in the Probate Court of Clark County
02/08/19 mo Magistrate's Order Transfer to Clark .00
County Oh Probate Court. Accepting
Jurisdication over this matter shall
terminate and the case shall be closed.
02/11/19 cc Certified Copy .00
Sent to Clark County Probate Court
02/12/19 l LETTER:To Judge Carey From Ben Suffron .00
02/15/19 jd Judge's Decision-Judgment Entry Denying .00
12/12/2018 Objections Relinquishing
Jurisdiction of The Matter to the Clark
Cnty Probate Ct & odering Case Closed
02/15/19 ex Upon Receipt of Journal Entry Accepting .00
Jurisdiction & Payment of Outstanding
Court Costs & Fees
02/15/19 cos Certificate of Service .00
02/28/19 misc Entry Accepting Jurisdiction from Otehr .00
County, Ohio Probate Court
08/28/19 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTRONIC - 2019 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
11/21/19 13r Custodial Year End Report 2018 AMERIPRISE .00
04/16/20 ci ANNUAL PHYSICAL/ELECTRONIC - 2020 .00
CASE INVENTORY-as required by:
OH Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
12/29/20 99 Case Closed .00
fees never received. costs being removed
but will be paid back if case reopened
01/08/21 op Stat Only .00
01/08/21 dcr Request to Remove Costs from Docket .00
- $260.00
01/08/21 99 Case Closed .00
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