Case Docket

Case Number: 556405  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
10/02/12 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
10/02/12 02 Forms 10.00
10/02/12 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
10/02/12 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
10/02/12 05 Computer Fee 10.00
10/02/12 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 26.00
10/02/12 08 Dispute Resolution Fund 10.00
10/02/12 gi Guardianship Investigator's Expense 75.00
10/02/12 wc -Marna A Hale 22.00
WebCheck Fingerprinting
10/02/12 vgcs Guardianship: Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.55
10/02/12 cb COST BILL (1) .00
10/02/12 m Motion To Expedite Hearing (2) .00
10/02/12 1e Entry Setting Hearing 10/17/2012 5.00
10/02/12 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian (3) 20.00
10/02/12 15.0 Next of Kin (4) .00
10/02/12 15.1 Waiver of Notice (5) .00
Marna A Hale
10/02/12 15.2 Guardian - Fiduciary's Acceptance (5) .00
10/02/12 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information (6) .00
10/02/12 15.4 Guardian's Credibility Application (7) .00
10/02/12 fw BCI & I Fingerprint Waiver (8) .00
10/02/12 17ca Change of Address Information for (9) .00
10/02/12 psoe Statement of Expert Evaluation (10) .00
10/02/12 dl Copy of Driver's License of: (11) .00
Marna A Hale
10/02/12 Receipt 402794 210.55
10/02/12 2y Notice of Hearing (12) .00
10/02/12 vgcs Guardianship: Virtual Service Mail Sent (12) .00
Hilton I Hale
10/02/12 cos Certificate of Service (12) .00
10/04/12 fn Fingerprint Return No Hit (13) .00
Marna A. Hale
10/11/12 cb COST BILL (14) .00
10/11/12 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian (15) .00
2nd app
10/11/12 ge Entry Setting Hearing 10/17/2012 .00
3:00 pm
10/11/12 15.0 Next of Kin (17) .00
10/11/12 15.1 Waiver of Notice (18) .00
Hilton I. Hale
10/11/12 15.2 Guardian - Fiduciary's Acceptance (19) .00
10/11/12 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information (20) .00
10/11/12 15.4 Guardian's Credibility Application (21) .00
10/11/12 17ca Change of Address Information for (22) .00
10/11/12 fw BCI & I Fingerprint Waiver (23) .00
10/16/12 17.8 Investigator's Report E von Frese .00
10/16/12 16.4 Notice to Prospective Ward of (25) .00
Application and Hearing.
10/16/12 16.5 Court Investigator Record of Service E von Frese .00
10/16/12 aos Affidavit of Service (27) 5.70
10/17/12 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
10/17/2012 22-A
Time: 3:08:14 p.m.-5:39:26 p.m.
10/19/12 17d Magistrate's Decision-The appointment of Suffron .00
Ben Espy as guardian of the person & (28)
estate until Oct 17, 2013 is needed. The
court will review the guardianship in
10/19/12 ex September 2013. The court appoints (28) .00
Jack G. Gibbs, Jr or another court
selected Special Master Commissioner to
review Mrs Hale financial transactions
10/19/12 ex for the last 5 years with Mr. Espy. The (28) .00
Special master Commissioner will be paid
from the guardianship not to exceed
$2000.00 & will recommend to the court
10/19/12 ex what if any action the guardian should (28) .00
take regarding past financial activities
The appt of Mr. Espy will begin upon the
posting of bond not less than $250000.00
10/19/12 ex & his completion of his oath & other .00
appt documents.
10/19/12 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties (28) .00
10/19/12 17c Findings of Fact (28) .00
10/19/12 cos Certificate of Service (28) .00
11/07/12 cb COST BILL (29) .00
11/07/12 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund - 30.00
11/07/12 adl Additional Letters of Authority - 3.00
11/07/12 17n Entry Approving Magistrate's Decision (30) 5.00
11/07/12 cos Certificate of Service (30) .00
11/07/12 15.5 Entry Appointing Guardian, Letter of (31) 5.00
ESPY, BENNIE E. (fidy)
11/07/12 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Casualty Ins Co 250000.00 .00
R Prater
11/07/12 bapm Bond Application for Palmer Miller (32) .00
11/07/12 att Attachments .00
creditability & signature pages
11/07/12 eml e-Mail Correspondence Received from: (33) .00
11/07/12 Receipt 404823 48.70
12/05/12 jd Judge's Decision-Entry Appointing (34) 5.00
Special Master Commissioner
12/05/12 cos Certificate of Service (34) .00
12/06/12 misc Oath of Special Mater Commissioner (35) .00
Kelly Patton
12/11/12 cor Correspondence Received (NOT EVIDENCE) (36) 13.00
12/11/12 cor Correspondence Received (NOT EVIDENCE) (36) 12.00
01/03/13 15an Application for Authority to Expend (37) 10.00
Funds (Non-Custodial)
01/03/13 15bn Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 7560.00 5.00
(Non-Custodial) per mth
01/03/13 Receipt 407713 45.00
01/08/13 6k Notice to File Inventory 0002558 1.00
01/30/13 m Motion To Extend (38) .00
01/30/13 e Entry Extending Time For Commissioner To 5.00
File Report 04/05/2013
01/30/13 cos Certificate of Service (38) .00
01/30/13 Receipt 409227 6.00
02/15/13 6.0 Inventory 279127.18 7.00
02/15/13 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: (39) .00
02/15/13 15an Application for Authority to Expend (40) 10.00
Funds (Non-Custodial)
02/15/13 15bn Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds (40) 5.00
02/15/13 Receipt 410269 22.00
03/05/13 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees (41) 5.00
Ben E Espy
03/05/13 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees (41) 5.00
Ben E Espy 8085.00
03/05/13 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees (41) .00
Hilton Hale
03/05/13 fs Fee Schedule (41) 2.00
03/05/13 1c Consent To Paument Of Guardian's Fees (41) .00
Prior To Preparation Of The Annual
Hilton Hale
03/05/13 Receipt 411185 12.00
03/29/13 cor Correspondence Received (NOT EVIDENCE) (42) .00
03/29/13 l LETTER: .00
04/04/13 17.8g Court Investigator's Comments Eric Horvath .00
04/04/13 50r Motion to Remove Fiduciary (44) .00
04/04/13 eb Exhibit A-B (44) .00
04/04/13 1e Entry Setting Hearing 04/26/2013 5.00
04/04/13 ex Extra Pages - 1.00
04/04/13 Receipt 413022 6.00
04/05/13 misc Report Of Special Master Commissioner (46) .00
04/05/13 cos Certificate of Service .00
04/05/13 15c Application to Release Funds (47) .00
04/05/13 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
04/05/13 cc Certified Copy - 2.00
04/05/13 Receipt 413149 7.00
04/09/13 cor Correspondence Received (NOT EVIDENCE) (48) .00
04/11/13 cor Correspondence Received (NOT EVIDENCE) (49) .00
04/12/13 m Motion For Prelimary Injunction (50) .00
04/12/13 cos Certificate of Service (50) .00
04/12/13 eb Exhibit A-C (50) 10.00
04/12/13 Receipt 413561 10.00
04/12/13 1.4 Subpoena (Attorney to Serve) .00 .00
Hilton I Hale Rec # 414512
04/12/13 aos Affidavit of Service (51) .00
04/12/13 1.4 Subpoena (Attorney to Serve) .00 .00
Janice E Hale Rec # 414512
04/12/13 aos Affidavit of Service (52) .00
04/12/13 1e Entry Setting Hearing 04/18/2013 5.00
04/12/13 cos Certificate of Service (53) .00
04/18/13 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA (54) .00
04/18/13 cos Certificate of Service (54) .00
04/18/13 eb Exhibit 1-2 (54) 1.00
04/18/13 mom Magistrate's Order and Notice of (55) 5.00
04/18/13 cos Certificate of Service (55) .00
04/18/13 cr Certified Mail Returned (56) .00
Atty. Ben Espy
04/18/13 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
04/18/2013 22-A
Time: 10:09:26 a.m.-5:28:18 p.m.
04/19/13 1e Entry Setting Hearing 05/02/2013 5.00
Oral Motion for Placement Ward 10:30am
04/19/13 cos Certificate of Service (57) .00
04/19/13 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (58) .00
04/19/13 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 05/02/2013 5.00
Court's Own Motion 10:30am
04/19/13 cos Certificate of Service (58) .00
04/22/13 1e Entry Setting Hearing 05/02/2013 5.00
The adoption of the report of the 10:30 am
Special Master Commissioner filed (59)
April 5, 2013
04/22/13 cos Certificate of Service (59) .00
04/23/13 aos Affidavit of Service (60) 38.00
04/23/13 att Attachments (60) .00
04/24/13 17d Magistrate's Decision-the Plaintff's suffron .00
Request for a Preliminary Injunction is (61)
not well taken and is DENIED. The Oral
Motion for Placment shall be set for
04/24/13 ex hearing by separate court Entry. The (61) .00
Motion to Continue the 04/26/2013
hearing on the Application to Remove the
Guardian be grated and said hearing be
04/24/13 ex Continued to 05/02/2013 at 10:30am also (61) .00
by separate Court Entry
04/24/13 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties (61) .00
04/24/13 17c Findings of Fact (61) .00
04/24/13 eb Exhibit 1 (61) .00
04/24/13 cos Certificate of Service (61) .00
04/30/13 eb Exhibits A thru D (62) 52.00
04/30/13 Receipt 414512 57.00
05/01/13 eb Amendment To Exhibit A (63) .00
05/02/13 Receipt 414629 59.00
05/02/13 cor Correspondence Received (NOT EVIDENCE) (64) 5.00
05/02/13 Receipt 414630 5.00
05/02/13 cor Correspondence Received (NOT EVIDENCE) (65) .00
05/02/13 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
05/02/2013 22-A
Time: 3:00:16 p.m.-5:55:18 p.m.
05/03/13 cr Certified Mail Returned (66) .00
Mr. Ben Espy
05/03/13 att Attachments (67) .00
05/03/13 mo Magistrate's Order suffron .00
See Order (68)
05/03/13 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (69) .00
05/03/13 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 06/21/2013 5.00
new evidence to consider regarding 10:30am
hearing on the Special Master (69)
Commiddioner's Report
05/03/13 cos Certificate of Service .00
05/08/13 md MOTION DOCKET: Objections to Magistrates (70) .00
Decision filed by Marna Hale
05/08/13 jd Judge's Decision-If any of the parties Montgomery 5.00
wishes the court to consider objections (70)
to the findings of fact, a complete
transcript of the hearing must be filed
05/08/13 ex by 4:30, EDT, June 7, 2013 pursuant (70) .00
to Civil Rule 53
05/08/13 cos Certificate of Service (70) .00
05/08/13 att Attachments (70) .00
05/13/13 obit Obituary (71) .00
05/13/13 l LETTER: to Magistrate Suffrom from (70) .00
Marna A. Hale
05/13/13 att Attachments (70) .00
05/13/13 401 Affidavit of Carol James (72) .00
05/20/13 rmr Regular Mail Returned/Not Complete (73) .00
Cleo I Half
05/23/13 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 6737.50 5.00
Shantae D Clayborn (74)
05/23/13 fs Fee Schedule (74) .00
05/23/13 1e Entry Setting Hearing 07/08/2013 5.00
05/23/13 Receipt 415796 10.00
05/28/13 mo Magistrate's Order-Ben E. Espy as Suffron .00
guardian of the person & estate shall (76)
file an application to terminate the
guardianship & receive further orders at
05/28/13 ex that time as to the closing of the (76) .00
05/28/13 cos Certificate of Service (76) .00
05/31/13 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (77) .00
05/31/13 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 07/09/2013 .00
8:30 am
05/31/13 cos Certificate of Service (77) .00
06/03/13 50m Application to Terminate (78) 10.00
06/03/13 dec Ward Deceased. (78) .00
May 8, 2013
06/03/13 e Entry Terminating & Ordering A Final (78) 5.00
Account 60 Days After Appointment Of
06/03/13 Receipt 416357 25.00
06/05/13 e Entry-that the special master (79) 5.00
commissioner shall be paid by the
guardian in the amount of $2222.00 from
the guardianship account
06/05/13 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees (80) 5.00
06/05/13 1ca Application for Attorney Fees (80) 5.00
Ben E. Espy 17631.25
06/05/13 fs Fee Schedule (80) 15.00
06/05/13 1e Entry Setting Hearing 07/09/2012 5.00
fees 8:30 am
06/05/13 Receipt 416532 35.00
06/10/13 sn ***************SEE NOTES*************** .00
07/09/13 2.1 Notice Of Appearance As Counsel By Barry (81) .00
Epstein For Hilton Hale, Marna Hale and
Janice Hale
07/09/13 cos Certificate of Service (81) .00
07/09/13 1ca Application for Attorney Fees (82) 5.00
07/09/13 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees 6737.50 5.00
Shantae Clayborn (82)
07/09/13 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees (82) .00
07/09/13 fs Fee Schedule (82) .00
07/09/13 cc Certified Copy - 1.00
07/09/13 Receipt 418354 11.00
07/09/13 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
07/09/2013 22-B
Time: 9:56:01 a.m.-12:42:17 p.m.
07/18/13 mrm Mediator's Report of Mediation (83) .00
07/18/13 cos Certificate of Service - .00
09/13/13 17d Magistrate's Decision-The fee Suffron .00
application filed July 9, 2013 by (84)
Shantae D. Clayborn, Esq is moot as the
application was approved; & the
09/13/13 ex application for fees filed June 5, 2013 (84) .00
by Ben E. Espy, Esq for guardian & atty
services be allowed in the amt of
$17376.25 in fees & $202.07 as costs &
09/13/13 ex this should be full & final compensation (84) .00
including costs for the guardianship.
The balance of the fee application is
denied, the guardian is ordered to file
09/13/13 ex his final acct withing thirty days of (84) .00
the approval of this decision, all
objections not ruled upon in the hrg or
addressed in the magistrate's
09/13/13 ex decision are overruled. (84) .00
09/13/13 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties (84) .00
09/13/13 17c Findings of Fact (84) .00
09/13/13 cos Certificate of Service (84) .00
09/13/13 eb Exhibits A thru E (84) .00
09/23/13 m Motion For Extension Of Time To File An (85) .00
Objection To Magistrate's
09/23/13 cos Certificate of Service (85) .00
09/23/13 e Entry (86) 5.00
09/23/13 Receipt 422742 5.00
10/04/13 md MOTION DOCKET: (87) .00
Objections To Magistrate's Decision
10/04/13 mem Memorandum in Support (87) 2.00
10/04/13 cos Certificate of Service (87) .00
10/04/13 Receipt 423477 2.00
10/08/13 13k Notice to File Account 0002558 1.00
10/15/13 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA: to Objections (88) .00
to Magistrate's Decisions
10/15/13 mem Memorandum in Support (88) .00
10/15/13 cos Certificate of Service (88) .00
10/17/13 dhr Digital Hearing Request (89) 1.00
10/17/13 Receipt 424099 1.00
10/25/13 rep Reply To Guardian's Memorandum Contra (90) .00
To Objections To Magistrate's Decision
10/25/13 cos Certificate of Service (90) .00
11/05/13 2.1 Notice Of Filing of Transcript (91) .00
11/05/13 cos Certificate of Service (91) .00
11/05/13 t Transcript that was taken July 9, 2013 (92) 121.00
11/05/13 Receipt 425079 121.00
02/06/14 jd Judge's Decision-Judgement Entry Montgomery 5.00
Overruling The Estate of Cleo Hale's (93)
Objections & Adopting The Magistrate's
Decision Filed September 13, 2013
02/06/14 cos Certificate of Service (93) .00
03/04/14 2.1 Notice of Appeal (94) .00
03/04/14 cos Certificate of Service (94) .00
03/04/14 misc Praecipe For The Record (95) .00
03/04/14 cos Certificate of Service (95) .00
03/04/14 att Attachments To Notice of Appeal (96) .00
03/06/14 13m Citation to File Account 0002558 fidy 5.00
03/06/14 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
03/06/14 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 03/21/2014 5.00
03/06/14 cos Certificate of Service .00
03/06/14 Receipt 431429 16.00
03/07/14 cot Certification of Transcript of Docket (97) .00
03/25/14 13m Citation to File Account 0002558 fidy 5.00
03/26/14 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
03/26/14 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 5.20
- BENNIE E ESPY 515671
- Account
04/14/14 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
BEE 515671
05/01/14 6a Amended Inventory 242069.62 7.00
05/01/14 Receipt 434740 17.20
05/02/14 misc copy of Journal Entry Of Dismissal filed .00
in the Court of Appeals
05/13/14 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 01 22.00
05/13/14 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements 0.00 .00
05/13/14 ex Extra Pages 6.00
05/13/14 Receipt 435346 28.00
05/14/14 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
06/05/14 50m Application to Terminate 10.00
ward deceased 05/08/2013
06/05/14 50n Entry Terminating and Dispensing with y 5.00
Final Account
ESPY, BENNIE E. (fidy)
06/05/14 Receipt 436599 15.00
06/05/14 dp Docket Page .00
06/24/14 13i Judgment Entry Approving Final Account .00
06/24/14 dp Docket Page .00
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