Case Docket

Case Number: 554783  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
07/06/12 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
07/06/12 02 Forms 10.00
07/06/12 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
07/06/12 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
07/06/12 05 Computer Fee 10.00
07/06/12 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 26.00
07/06/12 08 Dispute Resolution Fund 10.00
07/06/12 gi Guardianship Investigator's Expense 75.00
07/06/12 ge Entry Setting Hearing 8/14/2012 .00
07/06/12 15.0 Next of Kin .00
07/06/12 15.1 Waiver of Notice .00
Andrea N. Patterson
07/06/12 15.2 Guardian - Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
07/06/12 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information .00
07/06/12 17ca Change of Address Information for .00
07/06/12 fw BCI & I Fingerprint Waiver .00
07/06/12 psoe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
07/06/12 dl Copy of Driver's License of: .00
Andrea N. Patterson
07/06/12 15.4 Guardian's Credibility Application .00
07/06/12 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian 20.00
07/06/12 Receipt 397676 179.00
07/06/12 cb COST BILL .00
07/26/12 17.8 Investigator's Report .00
07/26/12 16.4 Notice to Prospective Ward of .00
Application and Hearing.
07/26/12 16.5 Court Investigator Record of Service .00
07/26/12 aos Affidavit of Service 5.40
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
12/12/12 cb COST BILL .00
12/12/12 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian 20.00
12/12/12 02 Forms 10.00
12/12/12 wc - Andrea Patterson 22.00
WebCheck Fingerprinting
12/12/12 gi Guardianship Investigator's Expense 75.00
12/12/12 ge Entry Setting Hearing 02/04/2013 .00
10:00 am
12/12/12 15.1 Waiver of Notice .00
Andrea Patterson
12/12/12 15.2 Guardian - Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
12/12/12 fw BCI & I Fingerprint Waiver .00
12/12/12 dl Copy of Driver's License of: .00
Andrea Patterson
12/12/12 Receipt 406670 127.00
12/12/12 l LETTER: .00
12/12/12 l LETTER: .00
From Deputy Clerk
12/18/12 fn Fingerprint Return No Hit .00
Andrea N Patterson
01/29/13 cb COST BILL .00
01/29/13 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian .00
2nd app
01/29/13 ge Entry Setting Hearing 02/04/2013 .00
10:00 am
01/29/13 15.1 Waiver of Notice .00
Michael D. Juhola
01/29/13 15.2 Guardian - Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
01/29/13 15.4 Guardian's Credibility Application .00
01/29/13 17ca Change of Address Information for .00
01/29/13 Receipt 409035 5.40
01/29/13 17.8 Investigator's Report E Von frese .00
01/29/13 16.4 Notice to Prospective Ward of .00
Application and Hearing.
01/29/13 16.5 Court Investigator Record of Service E Von frese .00
01/29/13 aos Affidavit of Service .00
02/04/13 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
02/04/13 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 02/26/2013 .00
02/04/13 15.0 Next of Kin Amended .00
02/04/13 2y Notice of Hearing .00
02/04/13 cos Certificate of Service .00
02/04/13 dr Digital Record of Hearing FM .00
02/04/2013 22-E
Time: 10:04:44 a.m.-10:45:11 a.m.
02/04/13 vgcs Guardianship: Virtual Service Mail Sent .00
Markus Clayhorn 000437799
02/13/13 17.8 Investigator's Report E von Frese .00
02/13/13 16.4 Notice to Prospective Ward of .00
Application and Hearing.
02/13/13 16.5 Court Investigator Record of Service E von Frese .00
02/13/13 vcmw Virtual Service Returned/NO SERVICE .00
Markus Clayhorn
02/13/13 cos Certificate of Service .00
02/13/13 aos Affidavit of Service .00
02/20/13 l LETTER: .00
02/20/13 rmr Regular Mail Returned/Not Complete .00
Markus Clayhorn
02/26/13 appi Application Requesting Indigency Status .00
02/26/13 ei Entry Declaring Indigent Status .00
02/26/13 dr Digital Record of Hearing KAG .00
02/26/2013 22-A
Time: 3:40:34 p.m.-3:59:35 p.m.
02/26/13 15.0 Next of Kin .00
03/07/13 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees .00
03/07/13 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 300.00 .00
Michael Juhola
03/07/13 fs Fee Schedule .00
03/11/13 misc Miscellaneous Filing .00
03/11/13 17d Magistrate's Decision-Pending Green .00
applications to appoint a guardian of
the person & estate be denied.
see decision
03/11/13 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties .00
03/11/13 17c Findings of Fact .00
03/11/13 17n Entry Approving Magistrate's Decision .00
03/11/13 l LETTER: .00
03/11/13 e Entry Authorizing Deposit of Funds .00
03/11/13 9.7 Application to Transfer Motor Vehicle .00
03/11/13 9.8 Entry Approving Transfer of Motor 1988 Volvo .00
03/11/13 e Entry Authorizing Transfer of Motor .00
03/11/13 cos Certificate of Service .00
03/11/13 99 Case Closed .00
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