Case Docket

Case Number: 547600  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
05/18/11 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
05/18/11 02 Forms 10.00
05/18/11 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
05/18/11 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
05/18/11 05 Computer Fee 10.00
05/18/11 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 26.00
05/18/11 08 Dispute Resolution Fund 10.00
05/18/11 1.1 Full Estate Deposit Rec # 373425 175.00
05/18/11 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
05/18/11 adl Additional Letters of Authority 4.00
05/18/11 lw LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF: 12/29/1979 .00
Deloras Liddie Ora Jividen
05/18/11 1.0 Surviving Spouse, Next of Kin, Legatee- n .00
05/18/11 2.0 Application to Probate Will .00
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Opal M. Cook
05/18/11 2.3 Entry Admitting Will to Probate 15.00
05/18/11 2.3a Certificate of Service of Notice of .00
Probate of Will
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Sharon Kay King
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Murrel Colburn Jr
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Jessie Maxine
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Yvonne Marie Kandel
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Charles William Colburn, Jr.
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Wendell Lee Colburn
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Patricia Ann Bachmann
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Beverly Hopkins
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
John Allen Colburn
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Oscar Francis Coburn
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Gladys Lillian Sword
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Zane Wade Wright
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Patrick Aaron Colburn
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Annetta Charlene Overman
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Steven Edward Colburn
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Mary Jo Dean
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Bonnie Mills
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Mabel Cotterel
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Mark Elliot
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Harley Ford
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Charles S Elliott
05/18/11 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Bela Nellis Welernrieter
05/18/11 4.0 Application for Authority to Administer 5.00
05/18/11 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
05/18/11 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of 10.00
COOK, OPAL M. (fidy)
05/18/11 3.a Application to Appoint Appraiser .00
05/18/11 Entry Appointing Appraiser 122 5.00
05/19/11 19k Notice of Case Schedule 1.00
07/27/11 6.0 Inventory 24500.00 17.00
07/27/11 6t Ohio Estate Tax Anticipated? N .00
07/27/11 6n Appraiser's Certificate V 3.00
07/27/11 6d Waiver of Notice of Hearing on Inventory .00
- Opal M Cook, (fna) Opal Killilea
07/27/11 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: 24,000 .00
07/27/11 6d Waiver of Notice of Hearing on Inventory .00
- Harley Ford, Bonnie Mills,
Mark Elliott, Mary Jo Dean,
Steven Edward Colburn, Patrick A Colburn
07/27/11 ex Zane Wade Wright, Gladys Lillian Sword, .00
Oscar Francis Colburn, John A Colburn,
Charles S Elliot, Bela N Wellenrieter,
Beverly Hopkins, Patricia A Bachmann,
07/27/11 ex Wendell L Colburn, Charles W Colburn Jr, .00
Yvonne M Kandel, Jessie M Worrell,
Murrel Colburn Jr, Sharon Kay King
07/28/11 6e Entry Setting Hearing on Inventory .00
08/22/11 6h Judgment Entry Approving Inventory .00
08/31/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 379627 50.00
08/31/11 6d Waiver of Notice of Hearing on Inventory .00
08/31/11 9.7 Application to Transfer Motor Vehicle .00
08/31/11 9.8 Entry Approving Transfer of Motor 1989 Plymout 5.00
08/31/11 12.0 Application for Certificate of Transfer 1 7.00
08/31/11 12.a Certificate of Transfer 1 .00
08/31/11 12.2 Entry Issuing Certificate of Transfer 1 .00
01/23/12 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
01/23/12 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
01/23/12 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
- OPAL M COOK 373769
- Account
01/23/12 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
- Account
01/31/12 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 373769 .00
- Account
01/31/12 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 373776 .00
- Account
02/03/12 25nr Ohio Estate Tax Form 22 Part 1 (B) 1.00
02/03/12 13t Certificate Of Termination .00
02/03/12 13te Entry Approving Certificate of 5.00
02/03/12 Refund payment # 0000044609 19.00
02/06/12 dp Docket Page .00
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