Case Docket

Case Number: 535962  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
07/02/09 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
07/02/09 02 Forms 10.00
07/02/09 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
07/02/09 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
07/02/09 05 Computer Fee 10.00
07/02/09 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 26.00
07/02/09 08 Dispute Resolution Fund 10.00
07/02/09 1.1 Full Estate Rec # 333104 150.00
Ronald D Beck 08/07/2000
07/02/09 1.0 Surviving Spouse, Next of Kin, Legatee- N .00
07/02/09 2.0 Application to Probate Will .00
07/02/09 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Marsten Beck, Loren Beck, Mildred
07/02/09 2.3 Entry Admitting Will to Probate 15.00
07/02/09 2.3a Certificate of Service of Notice of .00
Probate of Will
07/02/09 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Marston Beck, signed by Sander Spain,
Loren Beck, signed by Jeanne Beck,
Mildred Costick, Neil Costick
07/02/09 4.0 Application for Authority to Administer 5.00
07/02/09 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer .00
Mildred Costick, Marston Beck, signed
by Sander Spain, Neil Costick, Loren
Beck, signed by Jeanne Beck
07/02/09 3.b Application to Dispense With Appraisal .00
07/02/09 Entry Dispensing With Appraisal 5.00
07/02/09 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
07/02/09 e Based on the information provided to 5.00
the court, Jeanne A Beck will be appoint
as administrator wwa upon filing bond
in the amount of 1,829.000
07/31/09 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Western Surety Co 2080700.00 .00
Col Bar Assn
Frank Duffy
07/31/09 bacb Bond Application for CBS Agency .00
07/31/09 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of 10.00
BECK, JEANNE A. (fidy)
07/31/09 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
07/31/09 adl Additional Letters of Authority 3.00
08/03/09 19k Notice of Case Schedule 1.00
08/12/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 335436 50.00
08/12/09 10.0 Application to Distribute in Kind .00
08/12/09 10b Consent to Distribution of Property .00
Loren E. Beck, Jeanne A. Beck, poa
Marston K. Beck, Mildred Costick, Neil
Costick, poa
08/12/09 10d Schedule of Property to be Distributed .00
in Kind
08/12/09 10e Entry Approving Distribution in Kind 5.00
08/12/09 6.0 Inventory 1117849.00 17.00
08/12/09 6t Ohio Estate Tax Anticipated? Y .00
08/12/09 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: No R/E .00
08/12/09 cpi Confidential Personal Identifiers .00
08/13/09 6e Entry Setting Hearing on Inventory .00
09/08/09 6h Judgment Entry Approving Inventory .00
11/23/09 e Entry-Beneficiaries, Neil Costick & 5.00
Marston Beck requested that Park Natl
liquidate their one third share of the
trust to them in cash.
11/23/09 10.0 Application to Distribute in Kind .00
11/23/09 10b Consent to Distribution of Property .00
Neil Costick
Marston Beck
Loren E. Beck Jeanne A. Beck POA
11/23/09 10d Schedule of Property to be Distributed .00
in Kind
11/23/09 10e Entry Approving Distribution in Kind 5.00
11/23/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 341377 100.00
01/20/10 25.8 Ohio Estate Tax Resident F-22 Part I .00
01/20/10 25.0 Ohio Estate Tax Resident Return 8.00
01/20/10 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
01/20/10 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 03/31/2010 5.00
01/20/10 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees 5.00
01/20/10 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 3942.00 5.00
01/20/10 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees 496.20 .00
- 100% 503.80
01/21/10 25.9 Certificate of Estate Tax Payment .00
Part II
03/29/10 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
03/29/10 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 01 22.00
03/29/10 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
03/29/10 ex Extra Pages 5.00
03/29/10 Refund payment # 0000039673 60.00
03/30/10 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
05/10/10 13i Judgment Entry Approving Final Account .00
05/11/10 dp Docket Page .00
12/28/10 op stat .00
12/28/10 25.4 Ohio Estate Tax Final Determination ET10 .00
12/28/10 99 Case Closed. .00
12/29/10 dp Docket Page .00
12/30/10 op Stat only .00
12/30/10 99 Case Closed. .00
01/03/11 dp Docket Page .00
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