Case Docket

Case Number: 520494  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
01/24/07 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
01/24/07 02 Forms 10.00
01/24/07 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
01/24/07 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
01/24/07 05 Computer Fee 10.00
01/24/07 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 26.00
01/24/07 08 Dispute Resolution Fund 10.00
01/24/07 1.1 Full Estate Rec # 282489 150.00
01/24/07 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
01/24/07 adl Additional Letters of Authority 1.00
01/24/07 4.0 Application for Authority to Administer (1) 5.00
01/24/07 1.0 Surviving Spouse, Next of Kin, Legatee- Y .00
Devisee (2)
01/24/07 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance (3) .00
01/24/07 3.b Application to Dispense With Appraisal (4) .00
01/24/07 Entry Dispensing With Appraisal (4) 5.00
01/24/07 att Attachments (5) .00
Appraisal Report prepaired by
Real Estate Appraisal Services
Gary Josephson
01/24/07 dc Death Certificate (6) .00
Lawrence Pierce Brown
01/24/07 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of (7) 10.00
BROWN, SABA (fidy)
01/25/07 8.9 Summary of General Rights of Surviving (8) .00
01/25/07 8.0 Citation of Surviving Spouse to Make (9) 5.00
01/25/07 19k Notice of Case Schedule (10) 1.00
01/25/07 8.8 Certificate of Service and Notice of (11) 1.00
Citation to Surviving Spouse to
Exercise Elective Rights
01/25/07 8.5 Certified Mail Sent/SPOUSAL RIGHTS 4.75
- SABA BROWN 20266349
01/29/07 8.6 Certified Mail Returned/SPOUSAL RIGHTS .00
- SABA BROWN 20266349
04/25/07 6m Citation to file Inventory sent to fidy 5.00
04/25/07 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail (14) .00
04/25/07 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.25
- SABA BROWN 37456
- Inventory (15)
04/25/07 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.25
- Inventory (16)
04/30/07 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
- SABA BROWN 37456
- Inventory (15)
04/30/07 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
- Inventory (16)
05/25/07 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 289585 200.00
05/25/07 app Application to Probate Lost, Spoliated (17) .00
or Destroyed Will
05/25/07 2.0 Application to Probate Will (18) .00
05/25/07 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will (18) .00
Doug Dosky
05/25/07 1.0 Surviving Spouse, Next of Kin, Legatee- Y .00
Devisee (19)
05/25/07 1e Entry Setting Hearing 07/11/2007 5.00
to consider Application to Probate Lost 8:30 a.m
Spoliated or Destroyed Will (20)
Lawrence P. Brown 04/19/1984
06/05/07 6.0 Inventory 44000.00 17.00
06/05/07 6t Ohio Estate Tax Anticipated? N .00
06/05/07 6n Appraiser's Certificate V 3.00
06/05/07 6c Surviving Spouse Waiver of Taking .00
Inventory (22)
06/05/07 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: 42000.00 .00
06/06/07 6e Entry setting hearing on inventory (23) .00
07/02/07 6h judgment entry approving inventory (24) .00
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (25) .00
Receipt For:
complete-Rick Daniell, Atty for Saba
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (26) .00
Receipt For:
complete-Saba Brown
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (27) .00
Receipt For:
complete-Phillip Brown
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (28) .00
Receipt For:
complete-Eden L. Brown
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (29) .00
Receipt For:
complete-LeiLane R. Test
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (30) .00
Receipt For:
complete-Lawrence P. Brown, II
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (31) .00
Receipt For:
complete-Sonya R. Clouse
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (32) .00
Receipt For:
complete-Mary A. Rossi
07/11/07 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return (33) .00
Receipt For:
complete-Tom H. Nagel
07/11/07 2.3a Certificate of Service of Notice of (34) .00
Probate of Will
Lawrence P Brown 04/19/1984
07/11/07 e Entry-The Lost will be admitted to (36) 5.00
probate, that the document filed with
the application is a true copy of the
lost will, that Bobbie Brown be
07/11/07 ex appointed administrator, wwa of the .00
above estate, bond is set at 40000.00
that Saba Brown be removed as
administrator & her final accout due
07/11/07 ex on 09/28/2007. .00
07/11/07 cos Certificate of Service (36) .00
07/11/07 eb Exhibits (37) 15.00
07/11/07 4.0 Application for Authority to Administer (38) 5.00
07/11/07 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer (38) .00
Doug Dorsky
07/11/07 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer (39) .00
Doug Dorsky
07/11/07 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Farmers Ins Co 40000.00 .00
R Prater
07/11/07 bapm Bond Application for Palmer Miller (41) .00
07/11/07 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance (42) .00
07/11/07 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of (43) 10.00
07/11/07 dr Digital Record of Hearing TAS .00
07/11/2007 22D
Time: 8:39:49-8:57:16 a.m.
07/12/07 19k Notice of Case Schedule (44) 1.00
10/01/07 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
10/01/07 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail (46) .00
10/01/07 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
- SABA BROWN 64421
- Account
10/01/07 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
- Account
10/11/07 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to (47) .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
10/11/07 c Copy .15
10/11/07 8.2 Election of Surviving Spouse to Take (48) 5.00
Against Will
Saba Brown
10/11/07 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 01 22.00
BROWN, SABA (fidy)
10/11/07 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements (49) .00
10/12/07 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account (50) .00
11/05/07 e Entry (51) 5.00
Saba Brown agrees to provide access to
2084 Mock Rd, by the administrator,
Bobbie Brown for the purpose of
11/05/07 ex marshalling assets of this esstate. .00
Minerva Park Nursing & Rehabilitation
Ctr is ordered to turn over all records
in its custody relating to Lawrence
11/05/07 ex Pierce Brown to Bobbie Brown .00
11/23/07 13i Judgment entry approving final account (52) .00
01/18/08 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
01/18/08 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail (54) .00
01/18/08 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
Bobbie R Brown 9227
01/28/08 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 79227 .00
- Account
02/01/08 l LETTER: to Bobbie R. Brown from (55) .00
Ronald R. Renk
02/01/08 mfl Application to Extend Administration (56) .00
- Civil Action filed
02/01/08 mfle Entry Extending Administration (56) 5.00
02/04/08 19k Notice of Case Schedule (57) 1.00
03/26/08 m Motion For Temporary Restraining Order (58) .00
03/26/08 att Attachments .00
03/26/08 401 Affidavit (58) .00
03/26/08 e Entry Granting Temporary Restraining (58) 5.00
03/26/08 cos Certificate of Service (58) .00
03/26/08 m Motion For A Preliminary Injunction (59) .00
03/26/08 cos Certificate of Service (59) .00
03/26/08 1e Entry Setting Hearing 04/04/2008 5.00
preliminary injunction 9:00 am
03/27/08 50r Motion to Remove Fiduciary (61) 10.00
03/27/08 mem Memorandum in Support (61) .00
03/27/08 cos Certificate of Service (61) .00
03/27/08 1e Entry Setting Hearing 04/30/2008 5.00
8:30 am
04/04/08 mem Memorandum Opposing Removal of (63) .00
04/04/08 cos Certificate of Service (63) .00
04/04/08 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (64) .00
04/04/08 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 05/19/2008 5.00
9:30 am
04/04/08 e Entry Ordering Preliminary Injunction (65) 5.00
04/04/08 cos Certificate of Service (65) .00
05/21/08 17d Magistrate's Decision Stone .00
The defendants be found not guilty of (66)
concealing, conveying or embezzling
assets of the case, that Bobbie Brown
05/21/08 ex be removed as administrator wwa of the .00
estate & that he file a final acct on or
before 06/30/08 & that Ric Daniell be
appointed successor administrator wwa
05/21/08 ex of the estate upon the completion of an .00
application packet & the submission of
a $40000.00 bond.
05/21/08 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties (66) .00
05/21/08 17c Findings of Fact (66) .00
05/21/08 cos Certificate of Service (67) .00
05/21/08 cs Certified Mail Sent (68) .00
Doug Dosky
Ric Daniell, Esq.
Bonnie Michael, Esq.
05/23/08 cr Certified Mail Returned (69) .00
Bonnie Michael-Complete
05/27/08 cr Certified Mail Returned (70) .00
complete-Doug Dosky
06/04/08 adl Additional Letters of Authority 2.00
06/12/08 t Original transcript from hearing Monday, .00
May 19, 2008, at 9:00am filed in case
520494B by Atty. Bonnie Michael
(47 pages) STAT ONLY
06/18/08 t Transcript (71) 44.00
06/18/08 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 311186 57.90
08/11/08 6d Waiver of Notice of Hearing on Inventory (72) .00
- Sada Brown
08/11/08 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to (73) .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
08/11/08 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 22.00
08/11/08 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements (74) .00
08/11/08 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 78514.00 .00
08/11/08 ex Extra Pages 7.00
08/11/08 st Status Letter (75) 5.00
08/11/08 6a Amended Inventory 85190.00 17.00
08/11/08 6t Ohio Estate Tax Anticipated? N .00
08/11/08 6n Appraiser's Certificate V .00
- copy, original filed in civil case (76)
08/11/08 6c Surviving Spouse Waiver of Taking N .00
Inventory (76)
08/11/08 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: 66,500 (76) .00
08/12/08 6e Entry setting hearing on inventory (77) .00
08/12/08 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account (78) .00
09/05/08 6h judgment entry approving inventory (79) .00
09/22/08 13h Judgment entry approving partial account (80) .00
10/30/08 adl Additional Letters of Authority 3.00
10/31/08 sc Substitution of Counsel 0032104 .00
10/31/08 cos Certificate of Service (81) .00
11/07/08 m Motion To Set Aside Amended Inventory (82) .00
of August 11, 2008 & Order New
11/07/08 cos Certificate of Service (82) .00
11/07/08 eb Exhibits A thru D (82) .00
11/07/08 401 Affidavit of Saba Brown, Surviving (83) .00
Spouse of Lawrence Pierce Brown
11/07/08 1e Entry Setting Hearing 01/09/2009 5.00
motion to set aside inventory 2:00 pm
11/07/08 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 319729 5.05
11/21/08 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 320516 10.00
11/21/08 mc Administrator WWA's Memorandum Contra To (85) .00
Surviving Spouse's Motion To Set Aside
Inventory of August 11, 2008 & Order New
11/21/08 cos Certificate of Service (85) .00
11/21/08 eb Exhibit A (85) .00
11/25/08 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (86) .00
11/25/08 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 01/27/2009 5.00
10:30 am
11/25/08 1e Entry Setting Hearing 01/27/2009 5.00
10:30 am
11/25/08 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 320719 10.00
12/01/08 misc Reply To Administrator WWA's Memorandum (88) .00
Contra To Surviving Spouse's Motion To
Set Aside Inventory of August 11, 2008
& Order New Appraisment
12/01/08 cos Certificate of Service (88) .00
01/20/09 50d Motion to Appoint Guardian Ad Litem (89) .00
For Minors, Phillip Brown & Eden Brown
01/20/09 cos Certificate of Service (89) .00
02/03/09 22f Narrative to Supplement the court (90) .00
02/03/09 cos Certificate of Service (90) .00
02/03/09 eb Exhibit A-B (90) .00
02/03/09 m Successor Administrator's Memorandum (91) .00
Contra Palintiff's Motion for Guardian
Ad Litem
02/03/09 cos Certificate of Service (91) .00
02/03/09 att Attachments (91) .00
02/03/09 rep Reply to Plaintiff's Response to (92) .00
Consolidate and Expedite Hearings
02/03/09 cos Certificate of Service (92) .00
02/23/09 misc Reply To Narrative To Supplement The (93) .00
Court record
02/23/09 cos Certificate of Service (93) .00
02/23/09 eb Exhibits A thru C-2 (93) 3.00
02/23/09 17oi Exceptions to Inventory (94) 10.00
02/23/09 cos Certificate of Service (94) .00
02/23/09 eb Exhibits (94) .00
02/23/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 325462 10.00
03/06/09 misc Successor Administrator's Response To (95) .00
Reply To Narrative To Supplement The
Court Record
03/06/09 cos Certificate of Service (95) .00
03/06/09 eb Exhibits A thru F (95) 10.00
03/06/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 326237 12.95
03/09/09 app Application of Carol Beran, Formerly , (96) .00
Brown to be heard on Issue of Inventory
03/09/09 mem Memorandum in Support (96) .00
03/09/09 cos Certificate of Service (96) .00
03/09/09 e Entry Granting Application of Carol (97) 5.00
Beran to Appear
03/09/09 misc Response of Interested Party, Carol (98) .00
Beran to Reply of Saba Brown
03/09/09 eb Exhibits (98) 35.00
03/09/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 326334 40.00
03/12/09 jd Judge's Decision and Entry Denying (99) 5.00
Motion for Guardian ad Litem
03/12/09 cos Certificate of Service (99) .00
03/13/09 1e Entry Setting Hearing 05/18/2009 5.00
9:30 am
03/13/09 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
Bonnie Michael 14728.00
03/13/09 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees (101) .00
Doug Dosky
03/13/09 fs Fee Schedule (102) 34.00
03/13/09 c1 Waiver and Consent (103) .00
Bobbie Brown
03/13/09 c1 Waiver and Consent (104) .00
Doug Dosky
03/13/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 326664 44.00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
05/08/09 e Entry Regarding Status Conference (105) 5.00
05/08/09 cos Certificate of Service (105) .00
05/14/09 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (106) .00
05/14/09 e Entry (106) 5.00
setting hearing at later time
06/16/09 jd Judge's Decision (107) 5.00
Entry Dismissing Will Construction Claim
and Ordering Land Sale to Proceed
06/16/09 cos Certificate of Service (107) .00
06/23/09 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Notice of Withdrawal of (108) .00
Offer by Saba Brown Motion for
Reconsideration of Entry Dismissing
Will Construction Action
06/23/09 eb Exhibits (108) 12.00
06/25/09 Void Receipt 332634 32.00
06/25/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 332640 32.00
06/30/09 mem Defendant's Memorandum Contra Planiff's (109) .00
Motion for Reconsideration
06/30/09 cos Certificate of Service (109) .00
07/02/09 mc Defendant's,MEMORANDUM CONTRA (110) .00
Plaintiffs' Motion for Reconsideration
07/02/09 mem Memorandum in Support (110) .00
07/02/09 cos Certificate of Service (110) .00
07/14/09 13k Notice to File Account 0032104 1.00
07/14/09 15k Notice to File Status Letter 0032104 1.00
07/16/09 misc Defendants' Response To Plaintiff's (113) .00
Motion To Strick
07/16/09 cos Certificate of Service (113) .00
08/06/09 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Defendant, Carol Beran's (114) .00
Motion To Dismiss
08/06/09 mem Memorandum in Support (114) .00
08/06/09 cos Certificate of Service (114) .00
08/17/09 misc Defendants' Rsponse To Defandant, Carol (115) .00
Beren's Motion To Dismiss
08/17/09 cos Certificate of Service (115) .00
08/28/09 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
08/28/09 15m Citation to File Status Letter sent to fidy 5.00
08/28/09 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail (117) .00
08/28/09 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
- Account
08/28/09 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
- Account
08/28/09 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Defendant Carol Berans (118) .00
Motion for Award of Attorney Fees and
Sanctions Pursuant to ORC 2323.51 and
Civil Rule 11 Against Plaintiffs and
08/28/09 ex Counsel .00
08/28/09 ex Extra Pages 29.00
08/28/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 336539 29.00
08/28/09 Void Receipt 336537 29.00
08/31/09 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail (119) .00
08/31/09 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
- Status Letter
08/31/09 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.50
- Status Letter
09/08/09 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 193473 .00
- Account
09/08/09 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 194463 .00
- Status Letter
09/11/09 cpi Confidential Personal Identifiers .00
09/11/09 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 02 22.00
09/11/09 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements (120) .00
09/11/09 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 73748.32 .00
09/11/09 ex Extra Pages 5.00
09/11/09 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to (121) .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
09/11/09 st Status Letter (122) 5.00
09/11/09 6p Motion to Amend Inventory (123) .00
09/11/09 6q Entry Amending Inventory & 1st Partial .00 5.00
Account - Chgs in Autos see attached. (123)
09/11/09 eb Exhibit A (123) .00
09/11/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 337232 68.00
09/14/09 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account (124) .00
09/16/09 misc Defendant, Carol Beran's Reply To Reply (125) .00
O Plaintiff's Saba Brown's, ET AL. In
Response To Motion For Fees
09/16/09 mem Memorandum in Support (125) .00
09/16/09 cos Certificate of Service (125) .00
09/23/09 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Motion For Continuance (126) .00
of Hearing on Oct 5, 2009 Pending Sale
of 2084 Mock Rd by Administrator &
Final Account
09/23/09 cos Certificate of Service (126) .00
09/23/09 2.1 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel by (127) .00
Susan Wasserman for Saba Brown
09/30/09 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA Of Carol Beran (128) .00
Response To Saba Brown's Motion For
Continuance & Other Matters
09/30/09 mem Memorandum in Support (128) .00
09/30/09 cos Certificate of Service (128) .00
10/07/09 rce Entry Approving Resignation of Counsel (129) 5.00
For Saba Brown & Approving Limited
Representation of Minor Children,
Phillip & Eden Brown
10/07/09 cos Certificate of Service (129) .00
10/07/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 338768 5.00
10/13/09 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
Bonnie D. Michael 1460.45
10/13/09 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees (130) .00
Doug Dosky
10/13/09 fs Fee Schedule (131) 4.00
10/13/09 1e Entry Setting Hearing 11/19/2009 5.00
9:30 am
10/13/09 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees 4109.92 5.00
Bobbie Brown (133)
10/13/09 1cc Consent to Fiduciary Fees (133) .00
Doug Dosky
10/13/09 fs Fee Schedule (134) .00
10/13/09 1e Entry Setting Hearing 11/19/2009 5.00
9:30 am
10/13/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 339021 23.00
10/13/09 2.2 Waiver of Notice of Hearing on (136) .00
Administrator Fees
Bobbie R. Brown, Doug Dosky
10/13/09 2.2 Waiver of Notice of Hearing on (137) .00
Atty Fees
Doug Dosky
Bobbie R. Brown
10/13/09 fs Fee Schedule (138) .00
10/26/09 13h Judgment Entry Approving Partial Account (139) .00
11/17/09 2.1 Notice Of Appearance Of Counsel For (140) .00
Decedent's Surviving Spouse Saba Brown
Michael J. O'Reilly
11/17/09 cos Certificate of Service (140) .00
11/17/09 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Motion of Former (141) .00
Administrator Saba Brown Requesting
Payment For Administrator Fees &
Attorney Fees
11/17/09 cos Certificate of Service (141) .00
11/17/09 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Motion In Limine (142) .00
11/17/09 cos Certificate of Service (142) .00
11/18/09 brf Brief in opposition by Minor Children (143) .00
of Decedent to Fiduciary Fee Application
of Bobbie Brown, Successor Admin WWA
and Atty Bonnie Michael
11/18/09 cos Certificate of Service (143) .00
11/19/09 c Copy 15.60
11/19/09 c Copy 3.05
11/19/09 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
11/19/2009 22-A
Time: 9:41:46 a.m.-9:55:11 a.m.
11/19/09 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
11/19/2009 22-A Cont'd
Time: 10:35:10 a.m.-5:01:59 a.m.
11/20/09 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
11/20/2009 22-A
Time: 9:12:15 a.m.-4:32:21 p.m.
11/25/09 cd Compact Disk Image Copies 1.00
11/25/09 c Copy 2.00
11/25/09 misc Movant Beran's Submission of Additional (144) .00
Lega Fees for Purposes of Motion for
Sanctions and Attorney's Fees
11/25/09 fs Fee Schedule (145) .00
11/25/09 ex Extra Pages 4.00
12/01/09 rep Reply to Motion of Former Administrator (146) .00
Saba Brown Requesting Payment for
Administrator Fees and Attorney Fees
12/01/09 1e Entry Setting Hearing 12/09/2009 5.00
9:30 a.m.
12/01/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 341725 5.00
12/01/09 brf Hearing Brief of Defendant ,Carol Beran (148) .00
Formerly Brown, for motion for Attorney
Fees and Sanctions
12/01/09 ex Extra Pages 32.00
12/01/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 341762 32.00
12/01/09 brf Brief in Opposition by Minor Children (149) .00
of Decedent to Motion for Sanctions and
Atty Fees
12/01/09 cos Certificate of Service (149) .00
12/01/09 1e Entry Setting Hearing 12/09/2009 5.00
12 PM
12/02/09 rep Reply to Brief in Opposition to (151) .00
Administrator Fees of Bobbie Brown and
Attorney Fees for Bonnie Michael
12/02/09 ex Extra Pages 1.00
12/02/09 1e Entry Setting Hearing 12/09/2009 5.00
9:30 a.m.
12/02/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 341789 6.00
12/03/09 2.1 Notice of Appearance (153) .00
Steven D. Rowe is counsel for Susan
Wasserman in this case
12/03/09 cos Certificate of Service (153) .00
12/07/09 2.1 Notice of Appearance - Alton L. Stephens (154) .00
and Jeffrey D. Stupp enter appearance
for Bonnie D. Michael, Esq
12/09/09 1ae Entry Increasing Bond 122000.00 5.00
12/09/09 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Farmers Ins Co 162000.00 .00
R Prater
12/09/09 bapm Bond Application for Palmer Miller (155) .00
12/09/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 342191 5.00
12/09/09 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 342192 9.84
12/10/09 misc Miscellaneous Filing. (156) .00
12/10/09 misc Miscellaneous Filing. (157) .00
12/14/09 e Entry Rescheduling Sanctions Hearing and (158) 5.00
Hearing on Attorney Fees and Fiduciary
Fees 02/16/2010
9 AM
12/14/09 cos Certificate of Service (158) .00
01/12/10 2.1 Notice of Withdrawal of Exceptions (159) .00
01/12/10 cos Certificate of Service (159) .00
01/21/10 rep Administrator WWA'S Reply to Proposed (160) .00
Agreed ENtry
01/21/10 cos Certificate of Service (160) .00
01/21/10 eb ExhibitA (160) .00
01/29/10 2.1 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel - (161) .00
Steven D. Rowe and Erica A. Probst
withdraw as counsel for Susan Wasserman.
01/29/10 cos Certificate of Service (161) .00
02/19/10 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 04/14/2010 5.00
on fee aplication 9:30 am
02/19/10 cos Certificate of Service (162) .00
02/19/10 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
Bonnie D. Michael 663.65
02/19/10 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees (163) .00
Doug Dosky
02/19/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 346133 11.00
02/19/10 fs Fee Schedule (164) .00
02/19/10 1e Entry Setting Hearing 04/14/2010 5.00
supplemental application for fees to the 9:30 am
existing fee hearing scheduled which is (165)
continued to a date not yet determined.
02/19/10 rep Administrator WWA's Supplemental (166) .00
Response To Proposed Agreed Entry
02/19/10 cos Certificate of Service (166) .00
02/19/10 eb Exhibit A (166) .00
03/03/10 e Entry Approving Settlement Agreement and (167) 5.00
Agreed Entry Over Objection
03/03/10 cos Certificate of Service (167) .00
03/03/10 att Attachments (167) .00
Entry and settlement and Mutual Release
04/14/10 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
04/14/2010 22-A
Time: 10:52:53 a.m.-11:02:55 a.m.
04/20/10 rce Entry Approving Resignation of Counsel (168) 5.00
Michael J. O'Reilly for Saba Brown
04/20/10 cos Certificate of Service (168) .00
04/20/10 1de Entry Continuing Hearing on Application 06/02/2010 5.00
for Attorney's Fees @9 AM
04/20/10 cos Certificate of Service (169) .00
06/02/10 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
06/02/2010 22-B
Time: 9:03:44 a.m.-3:09:33 p.m.
06/07/10 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties (170) .00
06/07/10 17c Findings of Fact (170) .00
06/07/10 17d Magistrate's Decision Suffron .00
The motion for former administrator (170)
Saba Brown requesting payment for attys
should be denied.
06/07/10 cos Certificate of Service (170) .00
06/07/10 cs Certified Mail Sent 5.75
Saba Brown
06/14/10 cr Certified Mail Returned (171) .00
Saba Brown
06/16/10 misc Proposed Findings of Fact (172) 1.00
06/16/10 cos Certificate of Service (172) .00
06/16/10 misc Introduction (172) .00
06/16/10 ex Extra Pages 9.00
06/16/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 353582 1.00
06/17/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 353586 1.00
06/18/10 rep Reply of Saba Brown to Application for Amended 7.00
fees by Bonnie Michael Attorney for (174)
Bobbie Brown in the above case
06/21/10 m18ob Objections to Magistrates' Decision (175) .00
decision filed on 06/07/10
06/21/10 1e Entry Setting Hearing 08/09/2010 5.00
objections to magistrate's decision 10:00 am
06/21/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 353822 70.56
06/29/10 17d Magistrate's Decision Suffron .00
Saba Brown is awarded a fiduciary (177)
commission of $684.99 & Bobbie B. Brown
a fiduciary commission of $3424.93.
06/29/10 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties (177) .00
06/29/10 17c Findings of Fact (177) .00
06/29/10 cos Certificate of Service (177) .00
06/30/10 eb Exhibit 1-29 (178) 251.00
06/30/10 eb Exhibit A (179) 2.00
06/30/10 eb Exhibit (180) 63.00
06/30/10 17d Magistrate's Decision-All exhibits shall Suffron .00
be filed under the general case #520494. (181)
The exhibits in this matter be admitted
or denied as previouly outlined, that
06/30/10 ex Ms Michael shall be awarded $34242.47 .00
for reasonable legal fees, & that these
fees be paid from the estate assets
& that each of these several case
06/30/10 ex numbers to be closed with Court costs .00
to be paid from the estate as soon as
06/30/10 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties (181) .00
06/30/10 17c Findings of Fact (181) .00
06/30/10 cos Certificate of Service (181) .00
06/30/10 cs Certified Mail Sent (182) 6.50
Saba Brown
07/02/10 misc Estate's Response To Application (183) .00
For Fees
07/02/10 cos Certificate of Service (183) .00
07/06/10 rmr Regular Mail Returned/Not Complete (184) .00
Susan Wasserman
07/07/10 cr Certified Mail Returned (185) .00
Saba Brown
07/07/10 eml Fax Correspondence Received from: (186) .00
-to Bonnie Michael
from K. Foust
07/07/10 cos Certificate of Service (186) .00
07/13/10 m18ob Objections to Magistrates' Decision (187) .00
dated June 30, 2010 by the minor
Children of Decedent Lawrence Brown
07/14/10 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (188) .00
07/14/10 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 08/30/2010 5.00
10 am
07/14/10 1e Entry Setting Hearing 08/30/2010 5.00
07/14/10 m18ob Objections to Magistrates' Decision (190) .00
07/14/10 aos Affidavit of Service (191) .00
07/14/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 355208 10.00
07/16/10 m Motion for Leave to File Memorandum In (192) .00
Support of Objections to the Magistrates
Decision Dated 06/30/2010 by the Minor
Children of Decedent
07/16/10 e Entry-Phillip & Eden Brown have 14 days (192) 5.00
after the filing of the transcripts to
file their brief in support of the
Objections to Magistrates Decision
07/16/10 ex filed on the 13th of July 2010. .00
07/16/10 cos Certificate of Service (192) .00
07/16/10 c Copy .05
07/16/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 355350 5.05
07/22/10 m Motion the Estate of Lawrence P. Brown (193) .00
and Bonnie D. Michael, Esq's Combined
Motion to Strike and Memorandum Contra
to the OBjections to the Magistrate's
07/22/10 ex decision dated June 30, 2010 .00
07/22/10 cos Certificate of Service (193) .00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
08/26/10 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (194) .00
08/26/10 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 10/14/2010 5.00
2 PM
08/26/10 brf Brief in opposition to Philip and Eden (195) .00
Brown's Motion for Extention of Time
08/26/10 cos Certificate of Service (195) .00
08/26/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 357929 20.00
08/26/10 jd Judge's Decision (196) 5.00
Extending Time until 14 days from the
filing of the Transcripts by Fraley
Cooper Court Reporters
08/26/10 cos Certificate of Service (196) .00
08/26/10 att Attachments (196) .00
09/17/10 2.1 Notice of Filing of Transcripts (197) .00
09/17/10 cos Certificate of Service (197) .00
09/17/10 t Transcript of Hearing on Nov 19, 2009 (197) 13.00
09/17/10 t Transcript of hearing filed on (197) 7.00
Aug 11, 2008 on case #520494B
09/17/10 t Transcript of hearing on July 24, 2008 (197) 15.00
filed under case #520494 A
09/17/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 359282 35.00
10/05/10 13ek eNotice to File Account 0001913 .00
10/05/10 15ek eNotice to File Status Letter 0001913 .00
10/06/10 mem Memorandum in Support of Objections to (200) .00
Magistrate's Decision by Minor Children,
Phillip & Eden Brown
10/06/10 cos Certificate of Service (200) .00
10/08/10 mem Amended Memorandum in Support of (201) 1.00
Objections to Magistrate's Decision by
Minor Children, Phillip and Eden Brown
10/08/10 cos Certificate of Service (201) .00
10/08/10 mem Memorandum in Support of Objections to (202) .00
Magistrates Decision by Saba Brown,
10/08/10 aos Affidavit of Service by U.S. Mail (202) .00
10/12/10 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Estate & Bonnie D. (203) .00
Michael Motion to Strike the Memorandum
& Amended Memorandum In Support Of Minor
Children Phillip & Eden Brown's
10/12/10 ex Objections To The Magistrate's Decision .00
10/12/10 cos Certificate of Service (203) .00
10/12/10 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Estate & Bonnie D. (204) .00
Michael's Motion To Dismiss The
Objections To The Magistrate's Decision
Filed by Saba Brown & by Phillip &
10/12/10 ex Eden Brown .00
10/12/10 cos Certificate of Service (204) .00
10/12/10 mem Memorandum in Support (204) .00
10/12/10 eb Exhibit A (204) .00
10/12/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 360603 15.00
10/13/10 1e Entry Setting Hearing-the Court hereby (205) 5.00
continues the above captioned case for
hearing on Saba Brown's objections &
Phillip & Eden's objections to the
10/13/10 ex Magistrate's Decision until further .00
10/13/10 cos Certificate of Service (205) .00
10/15/10 m Motion to Strike the Memorandum in (206) .00
support of Objections to the magistrates
decision by Saba Brown
10/15/10 cos Certificate of Service (206) .00
11/02/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 361965 12.00
11/02/10 m Motion for Nunc Pro Tunc Order that (207) .00
Objections filed without Notice and
Hearing SHould be set aside to Remove
Bobbie Brown as Successor Admin WWa by
11/02/10 ex Minors Phillip and Eden brown, Preter- .00
mitted Heirs of Lawrence Pierce Brown
11/02/10 eb Exhibit (207) 7.00
11/02/10 m Motion to Disqualify Attorney Bonnie (208) .00
Michael as COunsel for the Fiduciary
Bobbie Brown
11/02/10 eb Exhibit (208) 5.00
11/03/10 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 03 22.00
11/03/10 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements (209) .00
11/03/10 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 62365.97 .00
11/03/10 ex Extra Pages 1.00
11/03/10 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to (210) .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
11/03/10 st Status Letter (211) 5.00
11/03/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 361984 28.00
11/04/10 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account (212) .00
11/04/10 m Motion For Bereavement To File Brief & (213) .00
Corrected Brief Dated 10/6/10 & 10/8/10
Nunc Pro Tunc
11/04/10 e Entry (213) 5.00
11/04/10 eb Exhibit A (214) .00
11/04/10 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA (215) 7.00
11/04/10 cos Certificate of Service (215) .00
11/04/10 att Attachments (215) .00
11/12/10 misc Reply To Motion For Nuncy Pro Tunc (216) .00
11/12/10 cos Certificate of Service (216) .00
11/12/10 eb Exhibit A (217) .00
11/12/10 rep Reply by Bonnie D. Michael Brief In (218) .00
Support Of Motion To Dismiss The
objections To The Magistrate's Decision
Filed by Saba Brown & Phillip & Eden
11/12/10 ex Brown .00
11/12/10 cos Certificate of Service (218) .00
11/12/10 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA To Susan Wasserman's (219) .00
Motion To disqualify Bonnie Michael
As Counsel For The Fiduciary Bobbie
11/12/10 cos Certificate of Service (219) .00
11/12/10 misc Response of Saba Brown To Motions Of (220) .00
Bonnie Michael To Strike Previous
Objection To Magistrates Decision
11/12/10 aos Affidavit of Service (220) .00
11/19/10 m Motion to Rule that Documents pursuant (221) .00
to OH Rule of Superintendence Rule 44 (B
Lack of Record Do Not Exsist on the
official Record of FCPC
11/19/10 cos Certificate of Service (221) .00
11/19/10 eb Exhibit (222) 2.00
11/19/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 362953 2.00
11/24/10 m Motion to Strike Saba Brown's Response (223) .00
to Motion to Strike Supplemental
Memoranda Supporting Objections to
Magistrate's Decision
11/24/10 cos Certificate of Service (223) .00
11/29/10 2.1 Notice of Corrected Citation to Ohio (224) .00
Rule of Civil Procedure, Rule 44 (B) in
filing on November 19, 2010
11/29/10 cos Certificate of Service (224) .00
12/01/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 363463 315.50
12/01/10 50r Motion to Remove Fiduciary (225) 10.00
Bobbie Brown
12/01/10 401 Affidavit (225) .00
12/01/10 1e Entry Setting Hearing 01/26/2011 5.00
9:30 am
12/01/10 c Copy .05
12/01/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 363472 15.05
12/02/10 rep Reply to "Motion to Rule that Documents (227) .00
Pursuant to OH RUle of Superintendence
Rule 44B Lack of Record do not Exist on
the Official Record of FCPC.
12/02/10 cos Certificate of Service (227) .00
12/02/10 2.1 Notice of Appearance of Counsel for (228) .00
Survivng Saba Brown
12/02/10 cos Certificate of Service (228) .00
12/03/10 aos Affidavit of Service amended .00
12/08/10 mem Response Memorandum of Minor Children (230) .00
and Pretermitted Heirs in Support of
Motion for Lack of Record and Nunc Pro
Tunc Dismissal of Objections to
12/08/10 ex Magistrate's Decision dated May 21, 2008 .00
12/08/10 ex Extra Pages 3.00
12/08/10 cos Certificate of Service (230) .00
12/08/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 363905 3.00
12/10/10 rep Reply To Motion to Remove Bobbie Brown (231) .00
as Administrator WWA
12/10/10 cos Certificate of Service (231) .00
12/10/10 md MOTIONS DOCKET: (232) .00
Bobbie Brown and counsel move the court
to expand the scope of the hearing set
for 01/26/2011 @ 9:30 am to inclued all
12/10/10 ex filings pending in this court on the .00
attached list.
12/10/10 att Attachments (232) .00
12/14/10 md MOTIONS DOCKET: Motion of Bobbie Brown amended .00
to expand the scope of the hearing set (233)
for Jan 26, 2011 at 9:30 am to include
all of the actions on the attached list
12/14/10 cos Certificate of Service (233) .00
12/16/10 13h Judgment Entry Approving Partial Account (234) .00
12/28/10 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA by minor children to (235) 1.00
Fiduciary's Motion to Expand Hearing
for Jan. 26, 2011
12/28/10 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 364975 1.00
12/30/10 jd Judge's Decision & Entry Striking Acker 5.00
Portions of Objections Filed by Saba (236)
Brown; Overruling Objections Filed by
Saba Brown; Overruling Objections Filed
12/30/10 ex On Behalf Of Minor Children; In The .00
Alternative, Granting Motion To Dismiss
Objections; Denying Motion For Nunc Pro
Tunc Order; Denying Motion To Disqualify
12/30/10 ex Counsel; Denying Motion For Hearin; .00
Entry Approving & Adopting Magistrate's
Decisions Issue June 7, 29 & 30, 2010
12/30/10 cos Certificate of Service (236) .00
01/11/11 e Entry Correcting Clerical Error In (237) .00
Decision & Entry Issued Dec 29, 2010
01/12/11 cos Certificate of Service (238) .00
01/12/11 cos Certificate of Service amended .00
01/20/11 2.1 Notice of Filing of Transcripts (240) .00
01/20/11 cos Certificate of Service (240) .00
01/20/11 t Transcript (241) 79.00
01/20/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 366205 79.00
01/20/11 noa Notice of Appearance of Counsel (242) .00
- Co-Counsel With Bonnie D. Michael
for Bobbie Brown
01/20/11 cos Certificate of Service (242) .00
01/25/11 cr Certified Mail Returned-1st acct. (243) .00
Lawrence P. Brown, II, Doug Dorsky,
LeiLane R. Test, Sonya Clouse,
01/25/11 cmw Certified Mail Returned/No Service 1st acct .00
Mr. Ric Daniell, Saba Brown, Phillip (244)
Brown, Eden L. Brown
01/25/11 cr Certified Mail Returned-2nd Acct (245) .00
Sonya R. Clouse, Bobbie Brown, Lawrence
P. Brown, II, Leilane R. Test, Doug
01/25/11 cmw Certified Mail Returned/No Service 2nd Acct .00
Phillip Brown, Saba Brown, Eden Brown (246)
01/25/11 50r Motion to Remove Fiduciary Amended 10.00
01/25/11 cos Certificate of Service (247) .00
01/25/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 366387 10.00
01/26/11 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 04 22.00
01/26/11 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements (248) .00
01/26/11 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 62365.97 .00
- for proposed Distribution (248)
01/26/11 ex Extra Pages 2.00
01/26/11 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to (249) .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
01/26/11 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (250) .00
- Settlement Hearing on 4th Acct
01/26/11 13l Entry Extending Publication Hearing for 04/08/2011 .00
Account @ 9:30
01/26/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 366455 29.00
01/26/11 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing (251) .00
01/26/11 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 04/08/2011 5.00
9:30 am
01/26/11 misc Appeal From The Franklin County Probate (252) .00
01/26/11 cos Certificate of Service (252) .00
01/26/11 att Attachments (253) .00
01/26/11 misc Pracipe to Transmit Record to Tenth (254) .00
district Court of Appeals
01/26/11 cos Certificate of Service (254) .00
01/26/11 misc Docketing Statement (255) .00
01/26/11 att Attachments (255) .00
01/27/11 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account (256) .00
01/27/11 cr Certified Mail Returned for third (257) .00
partial account
Saba Brown: Complete
Susan Wasserman, Esq.: Complete
02/08/11 cot Certification of Transcript of Docket (258) .00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
04/01/11 m Motion for Surcharge Against Successor (259) .00
Administration WWa Bobbie Brown and
Oh Farmers Insurance Co.
04/01/11 mem Memorandum in Support 259 5.00
04/01/11 cos Certificate of Service 259 .00
04/01/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 370574 5.00
04/01/11 m Motion to Join Bonding Co. Ohio Farmers 260 .00
Insurance Bureau as a Party
04/01/11 cos Certificate of Service 260 .00
04/01/11 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing 261 .00
04/01/11 mem Memorandum in Support 261 .00
04/01/11 cos Certificate of Service .00
04/08/11 e Agree Entry-1)Saba Brown withdraws her 262 5.00
motions for a surcharge of the
administrator, removal of the
administrator & to join the
04/08/11 ex administrator'bonding co.2) The hrg on 262 .00
the application of the administrator wwa
for approval of final acct is continued
to June 21 & 22, 2011 at 8:30 am. If
04/08/11 ex exceptions are filed to such acct they 262 .00
shall be heard at that time. 3)No other
motiongs will be filed by the parties
until after the hearing provided for
04/08/11 ex in item 2. 262 .00
04/08/11 cos Certificate of Service 262 .00
04/08/11 13l STAT 06/23/2011 .00
04/14/11 rmr Regular Mail Returned/Not Complete 263 .00
Susan Wasserman, Esq.
04/14/11 cos Certificate of Service 263 .00
06/06/11 13a Fiduciary's Proposed Final Account 04 22.00
** Revised ** 264
06/06/11 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements 264 .00
06/06/11 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands .00 .00
06/06/11 ex Extra Pages 264 2.00
06/06/11 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to 264 .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
06/06/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 374387 34.00
06/06/11 sn ***************SEE NOTES*************** .00
06/07/11 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account 265 .00
06/15/11 17oa Exceptions to Account 266 10.00
06/15/11 mem Memorandum in Support 266 .00
06/16/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 375089 10.00
06/20/11 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing 267 .00
Proposed Final Accoun
06/20/11 cos Certificate of Service 267 .00
06/20/11 1de Entry Continuing Hearing On Proposed 09/22/2011 5.00
Final Account 9:00 am
07/19/11 1b Application to Reduce Bond 268 5.00
07/19/11 1be Entry to Reduce Bond 126000.00 5.00
09/14/11 m Motion To File Transcript 269 .00
09/14/11 cos Certificate of Service 269 .00
09/14/11 t Transcript from hearing on Nov 5, 2001 269 8.00
09/14/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 380465 23.00
09/16/11 17oa Exceptions to Account 270 10.00
09/16/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 380568 10.00
09/22/11 rep Reply to Objections to Final Account 271 .00
09/22/11 cos Certificate of Service 271 .00
09/22/11 cos Certificate of Service 271 .00
09/22/11 13l Entry Extending Publication Hearing for 09/26/2011 .00
Account 9 AM
09/22/11 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
09/22/2011 22-A
Time: 9:12:21 a.m.-9:35:12 a.m.
09/23/11 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA to Assertion That 273 3.00
Phillip and Eden Brown are not the Minor
Pretermitted Heirs of Lawrence Brown
09/26/11 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
09/26/2011 22-A
Time: 9:12:42 a.m.-10:47:31 a.m.
09/26/11 dr Digital Record of Hearing BFS .00
09/26/2011 22-A
Time: 11:02:22 a.m.-3:32:34 p.m.
10/04/11 15ek eNotice to File Status Letter 0001913 .00
10/06/11 st Status Letter 275 5.00
10/06/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 381659 8.00
11/04/11 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties 276 .00
11/04/11 17c Findings of Fact 276 .00
11/04/11 17d Magistrate's Decision Suffron .00
All fidiuciary accounts and Revised 4th 276
Final account be approved as filed.
Bobbie Brown is ordered to make
11/04/11 ex distributions within 30 days thereof and 276 .00
file a final account within 60 days
thereof and Bobbie Brown to pay the
outstanding costs
11/04/11 cos Certificate of Service 276 .00
11/04/11 att Attachments 276 .00
11/15/11 rc Resignation of Counsel 277 .00
Susan Wasserman resigns as counsel for
Phillip & Eden Brown
11/15/11 rce Entry Approving Resignation of Counsel 277 5.00
11/15/11 cos Certificate of Service 277 .00
11/15/11 1c Consent Of Resignation of Counsel 277 .00
Saba Brown, mother of Phillip & Eden
11/15/11 att Attachments 277 .00
11/15/11 cos Certificate of Service 277 .00
11/15/11 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 384019 5.00
11/18/11 m Motion For Oral Argument & For Leave 278 .00
To File Additional Grounds & Arguments
After Transcript Available
11/18/11 cos Certificate of Service 278 .00
11/18/11 2.1 Notice Of Objections Of Saba Brown, 278 .00
Surviving Spouse, To Magistrate's
Decision Of November 4, 2011
11/18/11 cos Certificate of Service 278 .00
11/28/11 cos Certificate of Service .00
11/28/11 md MOTION DOCKET: Objections Of 279 .00
Administrator To Magistrate's Decision
11/28/11 cos Certificate of Service 279 .00
11/28/11 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA To Objections Of 279 .00
Saba Brown To Magistrate's Decision
11/28/11 cos Certificate of Service 279 .00
11/28/11 mc MEMORANDUM CONTRA To Motion Of Saba 279 .00
Brown For Oral Argument
11/28/11 cos Certificate of Service 279 .00
01/11/12 misc Tenth Appellate District Court of 280 .00
Appeals Judgement Entry
05/08/12 13ek eNotice to File Account 0001913 .00
05/09/12 17n Entry Approving Magistrate's Decision 282 5.00
05/09/12 cos Certificate of Service 282 .00
06/13/12 13.4a Certificate of Service of Account to 283 .00
Heirs or Beneficiaries
06/13/12 6h Judgment Entry Approving Inventory 284 .00
06/13/12 13h Judgment Entry Approving Partial Account 284 .00
06/14/12 25nr Ohio Estate Tax Form 22 Part 1 (B) 285 1.00
06/14/12 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 04 22.00
06/14/12 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements 286 .00
06/14/12 fc Final Costs Rec # 396525 28.00
06/15/12 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account 287 .00
07/26/12 13i Judgment Entry Approving Final Account 288 .00
07/27/12 dp Docket Page 289 .00
08/24/12 op stat only .00
08/24/12 2.1 Notice of Appeal of Phillip Brown, 290 .00
Eden Brown & Saba Brown
08/24/12 cos Certificate of Service 290 .00
08/24/12 att Attachments 290 .00
08/24/12 misc Docketing Statement 291 .00
08/31/12 cot Certification of Transcript of Docket 292 .00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
06/21/13 misc In The Court Of Appeals Of Ohio Tenth .00
Appellate District
Decision Rendered on March 26, 2013 And
Judgement Entry
07/11/14 99 Case Closed .00
07/11/14 dp Docket Page .00
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