Case Docket

Case Number: 497145  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
08/12/03 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
08/12/03 02 Forms 10.00
08/12/03 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
08/12/03 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
08/12/03 05 Computer Fee 10.00
08/12/03 1.1 Full Estate Rec # 210580 200.00
08/12/03 cb COST BILL .00
08/12/03 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
08/12/03 adl Additional Letters of Authority 4.00
08/12/03 4.0 Application for Authority to Administer 5.00
08/12/03 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer .00
- William C. Brown
- Debbie Brown
08/12/03 1.0 Surviving Spouse, Next of Kin, Legatee- N .00
08/12/03 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
08/12/03 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Western Surety Co 70000.00 .00
Frank Duffy
08/12/03 misc Funeral Bill - Paid .00
08/12/03 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of 10.00
WADE, LINDA (fidy)
08/12/03 dc Death Certificate .00
- Anna Pearl Brown
08/13/03 19k Notice of Case Schedule 1.00
08/13/03 3.a Application to Appoint Appraiser .00
08/13/03 Entry Appointing Appraiser 09 5.00
10/09/03 c Copy .30
10/09/03 12.0 Application for Certificate of Transfer 1 7.00
10/09/03 12.2 Entry Issuing Certificate of Transfer 1 .00
10/09/03 12.a Certificate of Transfer 1 .00
10/09/03 6.0 Inventory 42500.08 17.00
10/09/03 6t Ohio Estate Tax Anticipated? N .00
10/09/03 6n Appraiser's Certificate V 3.00
10/09/03 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: 40000.00 .00
10/09/03 6d Waiver of Notice of Hearing on Inventory .00
- Linda Wade
- Debbie Brown
- William C Brown
10/09/03 9.7 Application to Transfer Motor Vehicle .00
10/09/03 9.8 Entry Approving Transfer of Motor 5.00
Vehicle - 1987 2DR Buick
- Filed per Affd & Entry filed 9/2/2004
10/10/03 6e Entry setting hearing on inventory .00
11/06/03 6h judgment entry approving inventory .00
02/12/04 mfl Application to Extend Administration .00
02/12/04 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 07/30/2004 5.00
05/18/04 6.b Report of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
05/18/04 Entry Approving Report of Newly 5273.67 5.00
07/26/04 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY 2003 .00
08/02/04 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
08/02/04 cs Certified Mail Sent 4.50
- Linda Wade 316912
08/02/04 cs Certified Mail Sent 4.50
- Byron Lee Potts 316929
08/05/04 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
- Byron Lee Potts 316929
08/09/04 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Linda Wade 316912
09/02/04 m Motion To Strike Newly Discovered .00
- Assets of Merit Life Ins.
- Totaling $5,273.67 a non-probate
- Asset
09/02/04 mem Memorandum in Support .00
09/02/04 e Entry Approving Motion 5.00
09/02/04 25nr Ohio Estate Tax Form 22 Part 1 (B) 1.00
09/02/04 401 Affidavit Regarding Transfer of Motor .00
- Vehicle On Oct 9, 2003
09/02/04 e Entry Ordering the copy of Appl & Entry 5.00
- on Transfer of Motor Vehicle be
- accepted as an original
09/02/04 att Attachment a Copy of Transfer .00
09/02/04 13v Waiver Of Notice of Hearing and Consent .00
to Account
09/02/04 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 01 22.00
09/02/04 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
09/02/04 ref No Refund Issued: Less than $1.00 .70
09/02/04 9.7 Application to Transfer Motor Vehicle .00
09/02/04 9.8 Entry Approving Transfer of Motor 87 Buick 5.00
09/03/04 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
10/18/04 13i Judgment entry approving final account .00
10/19/04 dp Docket Page .00
07/27/05 fc Final Costs Rec # 250845 5.00
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