Case Docket

Case Number: 487539  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
04/19/02 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
04/19/02 02 Forms 10.00
04/19/02 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
04/19/02 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
04/19/02 05 Computer Fee 10.00
04/19/02 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 15.00
04/19/02 cb COST BILL .00
04/19/02 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian 20.00
04/19/02 ge Entry Setting Hearing 05/20/2002 .00
04/19/02 15.0 Next of Kin .00
04/19/02 2.2 Waiver of Notice .00
Michael D.Juhola
04/19/02 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information .00
04/19/02 15.2 Guardians Acceptance .00
04/19/02 15.4 Guardians Credibility Application .00
04/19/02 17a Attention Guardians .00
04/19/02 l LETTER: .00
To Kelly Cunningham
From Julia Nack
04/19/02 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
04/19/02 gcs Guardianship: Certified Mail Sent 8.00
04/19/02 Receipt 182713 91.00
04/22/02 2y Notice of Hearing on application for .00
appointment of guardian: Damon Kolson
and VA, Cleveland, Ohio
04/22/02 gcs Guardianship: Certified Mail Sent .00
Damon Kolson and VA Cleveland,Ohio
04/26/02 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Veterans Administration
complete-Michael Webb
05/06/02 17.8 Investigators Report E Horvath .00
05/06/02 16.4 Notice to Prospective Ward of .00
Application and Hearing.
05/06/02 16.5 Court Investigator Record of Service E Horvath .00
05/06/02 aos Affidavit of Service on Notice of .00
Hearing to Fred Singleton on 04/24/02
05/06/02 ros Return of Service on Notice of Hearing 9.80
to Fred Singleton
05/15/02 sfs Statement Failure of Service .00
Damon Kolson
05/31/02 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
05/31/02 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 07/02/2002 5.00
9:00 a.m.
05/31/02 Receipt 185156 14.80
05/31/02 2y Notice of Hearing on Application for .00
Appointment of a Guardian
05/31/02 gcs Guardianship: Certified Mail Sent .00
Damon Kolson
06/24/02 ar Audio Recording KCP .00
05/20/2002 22-E
Tape 0982 Counter# 1-429
06/28/02 app Application For Emergency Orders .00
06/28/02 e Entry Emergency Order 5.00
06/28/02 cc Certified Copy 3.00
06/28/02 Receipt 186810 8.00
07/02/02 cb COST BILL .00
07/02/02 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
07/02/02 adl Additional Letters of Authority 3.00
07/02/02 17d Magistrate's Decision T.Stone .00
Michael D.Juhola is appointed gnd of the
person and estate Bond is set at
07/02/02 17c Findings of Fact .00
07/02/02 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties .00
07/02/02 17n Entry Approving Magistrate's Decision 5.00
07/02/02 cos Certificate of Service .00
p/s applicant, D.Kelson
mailed to ward, admin of nursing home
07/02/02 rss Request for Specific Surety Agent: .00
- Palmer Miller Nelson Isn Agency Inc
07/02/02 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Farmers Ins Co 74000.00 .00
Request Palm Miller Nelson Palm MIller
07/02/02 att Attachments .00
Copy of Guardian's Credibility App
07/02/02 15.5 Entry Appointing Guardian, Letter of 5.00
07/02/02 Receipt 186976 43.00
07/12/02 15c Application to Release Funds .00
07/12/02 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
07/12/02 cc Certified Copy 1.00
07/12/02 6.0 Inventory 13.67 7.00
07/12/02 Receipt 187521 13.00
07/23/02 ar Audio Recording SAP .00
06/27/2002 22-E
Tape 1009 Counter# 3496-3960
07/25/02 6a Amended Inventory 28370.52 7.00
07/25/02 att Attachment .00
07/25/02 15c Application to Release Funds .00
07/25/02 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 28356.85 5.00
07/25/02 att Attachment .00
07/25/02 cc Certified Copy 1.00
07/25/02 Receipt 188292 13.00
08/06/02 ar Audio Recording EEG .00
06/27/2002 22-D
Tape 1009 Counter# 3496-3960
08/07/02 ar Audio Recording TAS .00
07/02/2002 22-E
Tape 1009-A Counter# 3021-3523
08/16/02 l LETTER: to Michael D. Juhola from .00
Dept of Veterans Affairs
10/11/02 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
10/11/02 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
10/11/02 att Attachments .00
3 pages
10/11/02 cc Certified Copy 1.00
10/11/02 Receipt 193152 16.00
05/12/03 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
05/12/03 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5383.48 5.00
prepaid funeral plan
05/12/03 Receipt 205095 15.00
06/03/03 13k Notice to file Account 0010709 1.00
06/05/03 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY - 2002 .00
06/30/03 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 22.00
06/30/03 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
06/30/03 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 825.01 .00
06/30/03 1b Application to Reduce Bond 5.00
06/30/03 1be Entry to Reduce Bond 40000.00 5.00
Oh Farm
06/30/03 c Copy .05
06/30/03 Receipt 208015 33.05
07/01/03 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
07/11/03 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees 5.00
07/11/03 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 2123.83 5.00
07/11/03 Receipt 208677 10.00
08/12/03 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
06/02/04 13k Notice to file Account 0010709 1.00
06/03/04 16k Notice to file Biennial Report 0010709 1.00
06/29/04 appi Application Requesting Indigency Status .00
06/29/04 ei Entry Declaring Indigent Status .00
06/29/04 22n Guardian's Report .00
06/29/04 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
07/07/04 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
07/07/04 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 08/06/2004 .00
07/13/04 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY 2003 .00
08/05/04 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 02 .00
08/05/04 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
08/05/04 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 90.13 .00
08/05/04 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees .00
08/05/04 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 455.00 .00
Michael D. Juhola
08/05/04 fs Fee Schedule .00
08/06/04 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
09/16/04 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
06/17/05 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY 2005 .00
07/06/05 13k Notice to file Account 0010709 .00
08/10/05 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 03 .00
08/10/05 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
08/10/05 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 140.03 .00
08/10/05 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees .00
08/10/05 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 420.00 .00
Michael D. Juhola
08/10/05 fs Fee Schedule .00
08/11/05 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
09/21/05 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
05/31/06 16k Notice to file Biennial Report 0010709 .00
06/20/06 22n Guardian's Report .00
06/20/06 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
06/20/06 Receipt 270476 2.00
06/21/06 22ni Investigator Review of Guardian's Report .00
07/11/06 13k Notice to file Account 0010709 .00
08/08/06 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 04 .00
08/08/06 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
08/08/06 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 635.95 .00
08/09/06 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
09/19/06 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
12/06/06 appn Application Requesting Non-Indigency .00
12/06/06 en Entry Declaring Non-Indigent Status 5.00
12/06/06 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees 5.00
and attorney fees
12/06/06 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 5.00
and attorney fees 750.71
Michael Juhola 1800.00
12/06/06 fs Fee Schedule .00
12/06/06 Receipt 279985 15.00
01/19/07 50m Application to Terminate 10.00
01/19/07 50p Entry Terminating and Ordering Final 03/02/2007 5.00
01/19/07 dc Death Certificate .00
01/19/07 Receipt 282283 15.00
02/05/07 13k Notice to file Account 0010709 1.00
03/12/07 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees 5.00
& Atty Fees
03/12/07 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 5.00
& Atty Fees
Michael D. Juhola 1068.75
03/12/07 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 05 22.00
03/12/07 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements 0.00 .00
03/12/07 Receipt 285077 33.00
03/13/07 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
04/23/07 13i Judgment entry approving final account .00
04/23/07 dp Docket Page .00
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