Case Docket

Case Number: 475114  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
08/10/00 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
08/10/00 02 Forms 10.00
08/10/00 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
08/10/00 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
08/10/00 05 Computer Fee 10.00
08/10/00 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 15.00
08/10/00 cb COST BILL .00
08/10/00 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian 20.00
08/10/00 ge Entry Setting Hearing 08/23/2000 .00
08/10/00 15.0 Next of Kin .00
08/10/00 2.2 Waiver of Notice .00
Thelma C.Wilson
Roy R.Wilson
Todd Crum
08/10/00 15.2 Guardians Acceptance .00
08/10/00 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information .00
08/10/00 15.4 Guardians Credibility Application .00
08/10/00 17a Attention Guardians .00
08/10/00 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
08/10/00 Receipt 145893 83.00
08/17/00 17.8 Investigators Report E.Horvath .00
08/17/00 16.4 Notice to Prospective Ward of .00
Application and Hearing.
08/17/00 16.5 Court Investigator Record of Service E.Horvath .00
08/17/00 ros Return of Service of notice of hearing 7.40
08/17/00 aos Affidavit of Service of notice of .00
Jennie Lou Crum and Crystal Crabtree
08/23/00 cb COST BILL .00
08/23/00 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
08/23/00 adl Additional Letters of Authority 4.00
08/23/00 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Farmers Ins Co 80000.00 .00
08/23/00 15.5 Entry Appointing Guardian, Letter of 5.00
CRUM, TODD M (fidy)
08/23/00 17d Magistrate's Decision Miller .00
Todd M. Crum is appointed guardian
bond is set at 80000.00
08/23/00 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties .00
08/23/00 17c Findings of Fact .00
08/23/00 17n Entry Approving Magistrate's Decision 5.00
08/23/00 cos Certificate of Service .00
p/s to applicant, atty for applicant
mail to ward, adm care facility
08/23/00 Receipt 146746 51.40
09/05/00 6.0 Inventory 85049.95 7.00
09/05/00 Receipt 147435 7.00
09/05/00 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
09/05/00 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
09/05/00 cc Certified Copy 1.00
09/05/00 Receipt 147438 16.00
09/05/00 misc Guradianship Application reflects the .00
- wrong Date of Birth for Jennie Lou
Crum - DOB should be 12/31/1962
09/13/00 ar Audio Recording MLM .00
8/23/2000 22-E
Tape 0434 Counter# 509-921
09/14/00 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
09/14/00 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
09/14/00 cc Certified Copy 1.00
09/14/00 Receipt 148160 16.00
09/27/00 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
09/27/00 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 482.00 5.00
misc bills, Columbia Gas, AEP, Storage
Building, Visa
09/27/00 cc Certified Copy 1.00
09/27/00 Receipt 148924 16.00
11/16/00 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
11/16/00 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 2015.74 5.00
11/16/00 cc Certified Copy 1.00
11/16/00 Receipt 151965 16.00
02/28/01 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
02/28/01 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 4405.38 5.00
misc expenses
02/28/01 cc Certified Copy 1.00
02/28/01 1e Entry Setting Hearing 03/29/2001 .00
on allocation of guardianship assets 10:30 a.m.
regarding future expenses
02/28/01 Receipt 157933 16.00
03/13/01 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
03/13/01 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 04/11/2001 .00
04/09/01 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
04/09/01 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 05/11/2001 5.00
10:30 a.m.
04/09/01 c Copy .10
04/09/01 Receipt 160559 5.10
04/19/01 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
04/19/01 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
Misc Expences( Mortgage,car payment, 1117.82
Mdwest Physician Services,exc)
04/19/01 cc Certified Copy 1.00
04/19/01 Receipt 161274 16.00
05/11/01 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
05/11/01 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
To Expend for the next 12 months 1800.00
per month
05/11/01 cc Certified Copy 1.00
05/11/01 Receipt 162628 16.00
05/15/01 ar Audio Recording EEG .00
05/11/2001 22-D
Tape 0648 Counter# 3886-5740
06/05/01 6a Amended Inventory 119289.00 7.00
06/05/01 Receipt 163960 7.00
07/25/01 13k Notice to file Account 0001577 1.00
08/24/01 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
08/24/01 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 09/14/2001 5.00
09/14/01 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
09/14/01 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 10/15/2001 5.00
10/16/01 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
10/17/01 cs Certified Mail Sent 68644 4.00
Todd M Crum
10/17/01 cs Certified Mail Sent 68651 4.00
Gary W Deeds
10/23/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Gary W. Deeds 8651
11/16/01 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 22.00
11/16/01 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
11/16/01 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 123677.33 .00
11/16/01 ex Extra Pages 7.00
11/16/01 c Copy 1.10
11/16/01 Receipt 173752 54.10
11/19/01 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
12/31/01 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
02/01/02 1ae Entry Increasing Bond 168000.00 5.00
02/01/02 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Farmers Ins Co 248000.00 .00
02/01/02 Receipt 177838 5.00
04/01/02 1b Application to Reduce Bond 5.00
04/01/02 1be Entry to Reduce Bond 20000.00 5.00
04/01/02 Receipt 181471 10.00
08/01/02 16k Notice to file Biennial Report 0001577 1.00
09/13/02 22n Guardian's Report 5.00
09/13/02 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
09/13/02 Receipt 191396 6.00
10/21/02 13k Notice to file Account 0001577 1.00
11/19/02 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
11/19/02 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 12/20/2002 5.00
12/18/02 1ae Entry Increasing Bond 67000.00 5.00
12/18/02 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Farmers Ins Co 87000.00 .00
Pat Bailey
12/18/02 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 02 22.00
12/18/02 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
12/18/02 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 192915.22 .00
12/18/02 ex Extra Pages 20.00
12/18/02 Receipt 196895 53.00
12/19/02 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
01/30/03 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
04/24/03 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY - 2002 .00
09/03/03 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
09/03/03 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
$ 215.00 /mo for basement finishing
09/03/03 misc agreement and floor plan - 2 pages .00
09/03/03 Receipt 211853 15.00
11/19/03 13k Notice to file Account 0001577 1.00
12/22/03 cc Certified Copy 1.00
12/22/03 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
12/22/03 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 01/30/2004 5.00
01/30/04 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
01/30/04 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 02/27/2004 5.00
01/30/04 Receipt 219909 12.00
02/27/04 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
02/27/04 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 03/31/2004 5.00
04/01/04 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 03 22.00
04/01/04 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
04/01/04 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 1241.89 .00
+ R/E
04/01/04 ex Extra Pages 13.00
04/01/04 Receipt 223670 40.00
04/02/04 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
05/13/04 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
07/01/04 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY 2003 .00
08/16/04 16k Notice to file Biennial Report 0001577 1.00
10/14/04 22n Guardian's Report 5.00
10/14/04 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
10/14/04 Receipt 234980 6.00
03/02/05 13k Notice to file Account 0001577 1.00
03/21/05 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
03/21/05 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 05/20/2005 5.00
05/18/05 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
05/18/05 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 06/20/2005 5.00
06/13/05 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY 2005 .00
06/20/05 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
06/20/05 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 08/12/2005 5.00
08/11/05 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
08/11/05 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 09/30/2005 5.00
10/03/05 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
10/03/05 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.00
- Todd M Crum 09374688
- Account
10/03/05 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.00
- Gary W Deeds 09374695
- Account
10/12/05 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
- Gary W Deeds 09374695
- Account
10/12/05 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
- Todd M Crum 09374688
- Account
11/10/05 8ac Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 11/17/2005 5.00
11/10/05 dr Digital Record of Hearing WAR .00
11/10/2005 22-A
Time 9:47:41-10:11:52 a.m.
11/17/05 8ac Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 12/01/2005 5.00
11/17/05 dr Digital Record of Hearing WAR .00
11/17/2005 22-A
Time 9:46:03-10:25:53 a.m.
12/01/05 dr Digital Record of Hearing WAR .00
12/01/2005 22-A
Time 9:50:38-10:42:04 a.m.
12/02/05 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 04 22.00
12/02/05 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
12/02/05 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 190192.47 .00
12/02/05 ex Extra Pages 6.00
12/02/05 Receipt 258710 72.00
12/05/05 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
01/17/06 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
09/19/06 16k Notice to file Biennial Report 0001577 1.00
11/07/06 13k Notice to file Account 0001577 1.00
11/22/06 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
11/22/06 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 01/31/2007 5.00
11/22/06 22n Guardian's Report 5.00
11/22/06 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
11/22/06 Receipt 279330 12.00
11/24/06 22ni Investigator Review of Guardian's Report .00
02/01/07 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
02/01/07 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 04/02/2007 5.00
04/02/07 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
04/02/07 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 05/02/2007 5.00
NO Further Extensions
05/04/07 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY 2007 .00
05/04/07 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
05/09/07 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
05/09/07 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.25
- TODD M CRUM 38514
- Account
05/09/07 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.25
- GARY W DEEDS 38521
- Account
05/14/07 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
- GARY W DEEDS 38521
- Account
05/21/07 vcr Virtual Service Returned .00
- TODD M CRUM 38514
- Account
06/14/07 8ac Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 07/12/2007 5.00
06/14/07 dr Digital Record of Hearing WAR .00
06/14/2007 22A
Time: 9:40:53-10:30:28 a.m.
07/09/07 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 05 22.00
07/09/07 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
07/09/07 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 206675.15 .00
07/09/07 ex Extra Pages 10.00
07/09/07 Receipt 291908 60.50
07/10/07 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
08/20/07 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
10/23/07 otn Guardian's Annual Report Initial .00
Courtesy Letter
10/23/07 otn Guardian's Annual Report Initial .00
Courtesy Letter
06/10/08 13k Notice to File Account 0001577 1.00
07/24/08 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
07/24/08 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 09/30/2008 5.00
07/24/08 Receipt 313303 6.00
10/01/08 13m Citation to File Account sent to fidy 5.00
10/01/08 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
10/01/08 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.25
- TODD M CRUM 126921
- Account
10/01/08 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.25
- GARY W DEEDS 126938
- Account
10/03/08 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
10/03/08 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 12/31/2008 5.00
10/03/08 Receipt 317649 18.50
10/03/08 Pay out made through bookkeeper # 0000035670 .00
ACCT #: 000000000209 1.50
10/14/08 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 126938 .00
- Account
10/27/08 16k Notice to File 0001577 1.00
11/04/08 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 126921 .00
- Account
12/04/08 rc Resignation of Counsel .00
Gary W. Deeds
12/04/08 mem Memorandum in Support .00
12/04/08 cos Certificate of Service .00
12/04/08 rce Entry Approving Resignation of Counsel 5.00
12/04/08 Receipt 321137 6.00
01/02/09 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
01/02/09 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 06/30/2009 5.00
01/02/09 att Attachments .00
01/08/09 16m Citation to File sent to guar 5.00
01/08/09 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
01/08/09 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent 4.25
- TODD M CRUM 146257
- Annual Report/Expert Evaluation
01/13/09 Receipt 323147 14.25
01/13/09 Pay out made through bookkeeper # 0000036397 .00
ACCT #: 000000000209 5.75
01/20/09 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 146257 .00
- Guardian Report
01/20/09 l LETTER: .00
From Kelly Patton to Mr. Crum
02/19/09 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
02/19/09 l LETTER: to Mr Todd Crum from Michael .00
L. Miller
02/25/09 22ni Investigator Review of Guardian's Report .00
03/09/09 22ni Investigator Review of Guardian's Report .00
03/09/09 22n Guardian's Report .00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
06/12/09 uc Unclaimed Check to County.April 30,2009 .00
ck # 35670 payable to Todd Crum
Oct. 03,2008 $ 1.50
07/07/09 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
07/07/09 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent .00
- TODD M CRUM 182415
- Account
07/07/09 misc Citation To File .00
07/13/09 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 182415 .00
- Account
02/10/10 misc Notice To File .00
- as required by:
Ohio Rules of Superintendence
Rule 38
04/28/10 vcos Certificate of Service for Virtual Mail .00
04/28/10 vcs Virtual Service Mail Sent .00
- TODD M CRUM 246704
- Annual Report/Expert Evaluation
04/28/10 misc Citation To File .00
05/10/10 evcr e-Virtual Service Returned 246704 .00
- Guardian Report
06/14/10 sn ***************SEE NOTES*************** .00
08/20/10 ex Ordered that Todd M. Crum is no longer .00
authorized by this Court to receive Ohio
Retirement Teachers checks or continue
to manage the wards financial assets or
08/20/10 ex make decision for the ward concerning .00
living arrangements, medical consents &
diet. Todd M. Crum is instructed to
begin a guardianship in Texas to
08/20/10 ex resume his legal activities in regards .00
to the finances & well-being of Jennie
Lou Crum. Outstanding court costs are
hereby reduced to $0, as uncollectible.
08/20/10 cos Certificate of Service .00
08/20/10 jd Judge's Decision-It is the Order of this Acker .00
Court that the finding of incompetency
shall remain & the Ohio guardiaship
shall terminate forwith. It is further
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