Case Docket

Case Number: 469007  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
10/08/99 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
10/08/99 02 Forms 10.00
10/08/99 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
10/08/99 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
10/08/99 05 Computer Fee 10.00
10/08/99 06 Folder 1.00
10/08/99 09 Alternative Dispute Resolution Fund 10.00
10/08/99 1.1 Full Estate Rec # 126355 200.00
10/08/99 cb COST BILL .00
10/08/99 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
10/08/99 adl Additional Letters of Authority 3.00
10/08/99 2.0 Application to Probate Will .00
10/08/99 2.1a Waiver of Notice of Probate of Will .00
Lyall, Della
10/08/99 2.3 Entry Admitting Will to Probate 15.00
10/08/99 1.0 Surviving Spouse, Next of Kin, Legatee- n spouse .00
10/08/99 4.0 Application for Authority to Administer 5.00
10/08/99 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
10/08/99 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of 10.00
Azie Justice 04-02-1985
10/21/99 3.a Application to Appoint Appraiser .00
10/21/99 Entry Appointing Appraiser 40 5.00
11/09/99 6.0 Inventory 38200.00 17.00
11/09/99 6n Appraiser's Certificate V 3.00
11/09/99 6.1 Schedule of Assets R/E: 38000.00 .00
11/10/99 6e Entry setting hearing on inventory .00
11/15/99 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return .00
Receipt For: Lonnie Rose
11/15/99 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return .00
Receipt For: Ethel Brandon
11/15/99 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return .00
Receipt For: Langley Justice
11/15/99 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return .00
Receipt For: Dallie Thomas
11/15/99 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return .00
Receipt For: Alfred Justice
11/15/99 2.2ar Notice of Probate of Will with Return .00
Receipt For: Ray Justice
11/15/99 2.3a Certificate of Service of Notice of .00
Probate of Will
12/06/99 6h judgment entry approving inventory .00
06/13/00 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY .00
09/11/00 13k Notice to file Account 0002509 1.00
09/14/00 25.8 Ohio Estate Tax Resident F-22 Part I .00
09/14/00 25.0 Ohio Estate Tax Resident Return 6.00
09/15/00 25.9 Certificate of Estate Tax Payment .00
Part II
10/06/00 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
10/06/00 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 10/20/2000 5.00
10/19/00 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 22.00
10/19/00 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
10/19/00 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 38218.31 .00
10/20/00 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
11/22/00 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
& Executor Fees
11/22/00 1e Entry Setting Hearing 01/17/2001 5.00
Attorney & Executor Fees 10:30 a.m.
11/30/00 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
01/17/01 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
01/17/01 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 02/26/2001 5.00
01/17/01 fs Fee Schedule .00
3 pages
01/17/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Mrs Dallie Thomas Complete
Langley Justice Complete
01/17/01 cr Certified Mail Returned/Incomplete .00
Ray Justice/Unclaimed Incomplete
Mrs.Ethel Brandon/Moved Incomplete
01/17/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Alfred Justice Complete
Lonnie Rose Complete
02/26/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
complete-Dallie Thomas
complete-Ray Justice
02/26/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
complete-Ethel Brandon
complete-Alfred Justice
03/01/01 ar Audio Recording EEG .00
02/26/2001 22-D
Tape 0577 Counter# 3134-4072
03/09/01 17d Magistrate's Decision E.Giorgione .00
03/09/01 17c Findings of Fact .00
03/09/01 17b Notice To Attorneys and Parties .00
03/09/01 cos Certificate of Service .00
03/12/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Alfred Justice/Complete
03/13/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Della Lyall/Complete
03/14/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Ethel Brandon/Incomplete
Mary E.Smith Esq/Complete
03/16/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Langley Justice/Complete
03/19/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Dallie Thomas
03/21/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Ray Justice
Lonnie Rose
03/23/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Ray Justice/Complete
03/23/01 17n Entry Approving Magistrate's Decision 5.00
03/23/01 cos Certificate of Service .00
03/28/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Lonnie Rose/Incomplete
04/06/01 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
Ethel Brandon/INCOMPLETE
04/10/01 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 02 22.00
04/10/01 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
04/10/01 ex Extra Pages 1.00
04/10/01 fc Final Costs Rec # 160618 24.00
04/11/01 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
05/22/01 13i Judgment entry approving final account .00
05/25/01 dp Docket Page .00
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