Case Docket

Case Number: 434417  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
02/06/95 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 10.00
02/06/95 02 Forms 10.00
02/06/95 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
02/06/95 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
02/06/95 05 Computer Fee 10.00
02/06/95 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 15.00
02/06/95 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian 20.00
02/06/95 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds .00
02/06/95 ge Entry Setting Hearing 03/23/1995 .00
10:00 A.M.
02/06/95 15.0 Next of Kin .00
02/06/95 2.2 Waiver of Notice M. Juhola .00
02/06/95 15.2 Guardians Acceptance .00
02/06/95 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information .00
02/06/95 15.4 Guardians Credibility Application .00
02/06/95 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
02/06/95 Chart Note from William Hicks, M.D. .00
02/06/95 Probate Court Referral .00
02/06/95 17a Attention Guardians .00
02/06/95 Receipt 019268 83.00
02/08/95 Notice of Hearing on Application for A.Martin .00
appointment guardian of alleged Nellie Thoma
02/08/95 cs Certified Mail Sent to Albert Martin 6.00
Nellie Thomas
02/13/95 cr Certified Mail Returned complete to .00
Nellie Thomas
02/24/95 Court Investigator Record of Service .00
02/24/95 Notice to Prospective Ward of .00
Application & Hearing
02/24/95 ros Return of Service 5.50
02/24/95 aos Affidavit of Service .00
Jennifer Parrish 2/23/94 to proposed
02/24/95 17.8 Investigators Report .00
03/01/95 17.0 Application for Appointment of Guardian 2nd .00
03/01/95 2.2 Waiver of Notice N Thomas .00
A Martin
A Martin
03/01/95 15.2 Guardians Acceptance .00
03/01/95 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information .00
03/01/95 15.4 Guardians Credibility Application .00
03/01/95 17a Attention Guardians .00
03/23/95 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
03/23/95 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 04/27/1995 5.00
obtain additional information that will at 3:00 pm
probably result in agreed resolution
of the matter
04/27/95 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
04/27/95 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 05/11/1995 .00
at 11:00 am
04/27/95 e Journal Entry Apptg. Court Doctor J G Randall .00
05/10/95 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
05/10/95 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 07/11/1995 5.00
for doctor to complete expert evaluation 9:00 A.M.
05/10/95 Receipt 025112 21.50
07/11/95 17m Referee's Report .00
07/11/95 17n Entry Approving Referee's Report 5.00
07/11/95 17b Notice To Attorneys and Partys .00
07/11/95 17c Findings of Fact .00
07/11/95 cos Certificate of Service .00
P/S to applicants, and attorney
and APS Worker
Mail to Petitioner
07/11/95 3rd application-Conservator Ro.Thomas Jr .00
07/11/95 15.0 Next of Kin .00
07/11/95 2.2 Waiver of Notice Nel.Thomas .00
07/11/95 15.2 Guardians Acceptance .00
07/11/95 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information .00
07/11/95 15.4 Guardians Credibility Application .00
07/11/95 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
for Conversatorship
07/11/95 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/ Oh Farmers 73000.00 .00
07/11/95 17a Attention Guardians .00
07/11/95 Copy of Stock Shares, and Bank Accounts .00
07/11/95 c 12 Copies 3.00
07/11/95 Letter from John G. Randall M.D. .00
showing Fees.
08/23/95 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
08/23/95 adl Additional Letters of Authority 1.00
08/23/95 15.5 Entry Appointing Guardian, Letter of 5.00
08/23/95 Receipt 031689 44.00
08/25/95 Voucher for legal fees to J. Randall MD .00
for $250.00 on 7-14-95
10/04/95 1ae Entry Increasing Bond 179000.00 5.00
OH Farmers
10/04/95 4.2 Fiduciary's Additional Bond 252000.00 .00
OH Farmers
10/04/95 6.0 Inventory 125712.04 7.00
10/04/95 6.1 Schedule of Assets NO R/E .00
10/04/95 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
10/04/95 15b Order Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
10/04/95 Attached Statement of Expenses for .00
William D. Martin
10/04/95 Receipt 034380 27.00
11/08/95 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
11/08/95 15b Order Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
11/08/95 Attached Invoice submitted by .00
Ransier and Ransier
11/08/95 Receipt 036553 15.00
03/06/96 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY .00
03/19/96 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
03/19/96 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
03/19/96 Receipt 044453 15.00
05/28/96 Application to limit the scope of .00
the conservatorship to include only
personal property
05/28/96 e Entry limiting the scope of the 5.00
conservatorship to include only
personal property
05/28/96 al Amended Letters of Authority .00
Limited: to personal property only
05/28/96 cc Certified Copy 1.00
05/28/96 Receipt 048927 6.00
07/24/96 13k Notice to file Account 0063242 1.00
08/28/96 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
09/03/96 cs Certified Mail Sent 3.00
- Jennifer Willis Z 904 251 735
09/03/96 cs Certified Mail Sent 3.00
- Robert Thomas, Jr. Z 904 251 736
09/17/96 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
- Jennifer Willis Z 904 251 735
10/02/96 cmw Certified Mail Returned/No Service .00
- Robert Thomas, Jr./UNCLAIMED
10/03/96 8ac Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 10/17/1996 5.00
10/07/96 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 26.00
10/07/96 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
10/07/96 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 88087.98 .00
10/07/96 1b Application to Reduce Bond 5.00
10/07/96 1be Entry to Reduce Bond 242000.00 5.00
Oh Farm
10/07/96 Receipt 057051 53.00
10/08/96 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
11/19/96 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
07/28/97 16k Notice to file Biennial Report 0063242 1.00
07/30/97 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY .00
09/09/97 13k Notice to file Account 0063242 1.00
09/29/97 16m Citation to file Biennial report sent to guar 5.00
10/08/97 cs Certified Mail Sent 3.00
- Jennifer V. Willis Z 904 259 185
10/08/97 cs Certified Mail Sent 3.00
- Robert C. Thomas, Jr. Z 904 259 186
10/08/97 13n Application to Extend Time to File .00
10/08/97 13o Entry Extending Time to File Account 11/07/1997 5.00
10/08/97 Receipt 080415 18.00
10/10/97 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
- Jennifer V. Willis Z 904 259 185
10/22/97 22n Guardian's Report 5.00
10/22/97 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
10/22/97 Receipt 081205 5.00
11/04/97 cmw Certified Mail Returned/No Service .00
- Robert C. Thomas, Jr./UNCLAIMED Z 904259186
11/07/97 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 02 22.00
11/07/97 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
11/07/97 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 78754.41 .00
11/07/97 Receipt 082300 22.00
11/10/97 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
12/22/97 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
12/29/97 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
12/29/97 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 3349.42 5.00
12/29/97 ex Extra Pages 3.00
12/29/97 Receipt 085192 18.00
06/29/98 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY .00
08/18/98 2.1 Notice of appearance of counsel: .00
Kathleen Raniser enters appearance on
behalf of law firm Raniser & Ransier
09/02/98 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
09/02/98 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 8000.00 5.00
per month
09/02/98 cc Certified Copy 1.00
09/02/98 Receipt 100581 16.00
09/23/98 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 03 22.00
09/23/98 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
09/23/98 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 60060.32 .00
09/23/98 c Copy 1.75
09/23/98 Receipt 101851 23.75
09/24/98 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
11/04/98 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
11/13/98 6.b Report of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
11/13/98 Entry Approving Report of Newly 16050.00 5.00
11/13/98 1ae Entry Increasing Bond 32000.00 5.00
OH Farmers
palm miller
11/13/98 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond 274000.00 .00
OH Farmers
palm miller
Lori Nugen
11/13/98 Receipt 105143 17.00
08/24/99 13k Notice to file Account 0063242 1.00
09/23/99 16k Notice to file Biennial Report 0063242 1.00
09/24/99 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
09/27/99 cs Certified Mail Sent z 904275472 3.00
Jennifer V Willis
09/27/99 cs Certified Mail Sent z 904275473 3.00
Robert C Thomas Jr
10/01/99 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
- Jennifer V Willis z 904275472
10/04/99 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
- Robert C. Thomas, Jr. Z 904275473
11/17/99 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 04 22.00
11/17/99 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
11/17/99 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 155103.74 .00
11/17/99 1ae Entry Increasing Bond 36000.00 5.00
11/17/99 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Farmers Ins. Co. 310000.00 .00
11/17/99 22n Guardian's Report 5.00
11/17/99 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
11/17/99 Receipt 128855 45.00
11/18/99 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
12/30/99 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
01/03/00 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
01/03/00 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 331.88 5.00
01/03/00 fs Fee Schedule .00
01/03/00 Receipt 131483 15.00
06/05/00 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY .00
10/19/00 13k Notice to file Account 0063242 1.00
11/21/00 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
11/21/00 cs Certified Mail Sent 3.00
- Robert C. Thomas, Jr. Z 904260171
11/21/00 cs Certified Mail Sent 3.00
- Jennifer V. Willis Z 904260172
11/24/00 cr Certified Mail Returned z 904260172 .00
Jennifer V Willis
11/27/00 cr Certified Mail Returned .00
- Robert C. Thomas, JR. Z 904260171
01/02/01 1ae Entry Increasing Bond 30000.00 5.00
01/02/01 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond/Ohio Farmers Ins CO 340000.00 .00
01/02/01 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 05 22.00
01/02/01 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
01/02/01 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 132184.06 .00
01/02/01 ex Extra Pages 2.00
01/02/01 Receipt 154456 41.00
01/03/01 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
02/13/01 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
02/23/01 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
02/23/01 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 5.00
02/23/01 fs Fee Schedule .00
02/23/01 Receipt 157676 15.00
05/23/01 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY .00
10/24/01 16k Notice to file Biennial Report 0063242 1.00
11/14/01 sc Substitution of Counsel 0020516 .00
12/04/01 13k Notice to file Account 0020516 1.00
12/28/01 14.7 Application to Extend Time to File .00
12/28/01 14.8 Entry Extending Time to File Report/ 02/15/2002 .00
- Extending Hearing
01/02/02 13k Notice to file Account 0020516 .00
01/16/02 app Application Requesting Non-Indigency .00
01/16/02 e Entry Declaring Non-Indigent Status 5.00
01/16/02 50m Application to Terminate 10.00
01/16/02 dec Ward Deceased. .00
01/16/02 Receipt 176976 22.00
01/16/02 50p Entry Terminating and Ordering Final 02/20/2002 5.00
01/17/02 dp Docket Page .00
02/20/02 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
02/20/02 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees 545.85 5.00
Talbott & Rinehart
02/20/02 fs Fee Schedule .00
02/20/02 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 06 22.00
02/20/02 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
02/20/02 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands .00 .00
02/20/02 ex Extra Pages 2.00
02/20/02 Receipt 178927 34.00
02/21/02 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
04/03/02 13i Judgment entry approving final account .00
04/04/02 dp Docket Page .00
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