Case Docket

Case Number: 427419  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
03/04/94 1.1 Deposit Full 644608 200.00
03/04/94 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 7.00
03/04/94 02 Forms 10.00
03/04/94 03 Docketing & Recording Fees 15.00
03/04/94 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
03/04/94 06 Folder 1.00
03/04/94 05 Computer Fee 10.00
03/04/94 4.0 Appl for Authority to Admin Estate 5.00
03/04/94 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer F Elder .00
03/04/94 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer J Pratt .00
03/04/94 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer D Elder .00
03/04/94 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer D Stewart .00
03/04/94 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer M Duval .00
03/04/94 3.b Application to Dispense w/ Appraisal .00
03/04/94 Entry Dispensing With Appraisal 5.00
03/04/94 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond 20,000.00 .00
United States Fire Insurance Company
03/04/94 1.0 Surv Sp/Next of Kin/Legatee-Devisee .00
03/04/94 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
03/04/94 4.5 Entry Appting Fid; Letters of Auth 10.00
03/04/94 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
03/04/94 cc Certified Copies of Letters 4.00
03/04/94 c Copy .75
04/25/94 3.a Application to Appoint Appraiser .00
04/25/94 Entry Appointing Appraiser 14 5.00
05/02/94 6.0 Inventory 67737.93 19.00
05/02/94 6.1 Schedule of Assets 59000.00 .00
05/02/94 6n Appraiser's Certificate V 3.00
05/02/94 Notice of Hrg. on Schedule of Claims .00
& Report of Insolvency
05/02/94 9.0 Application to Sell Personal Property 10.00
05/02/94 9.3 Entry Authorizing Sale of Personal Public Auct 5.00
to be advertised (3) times before
SALE MAY 21, 1994
05/02/94 9.1 Schedule of Personal Property .00
05/02/94 9.2 Notice of Sale of Personal Property .00
05/02/94 Application - Authority to Abandon .00
05/02/94 Report of Investigation and Review of .00
Assets and Fianncial Instruments
05/02/94 50g Representation of Insolvency .00
05/02/94 Notice to Bar Claims of Potential .00
05/02/94 7.0 Schedule of Claims 5.00
05/02/94 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
05/02/94 Statement of Fees .00
05/02/94 1e Entry Setting Hearing 06/09/1994 5.00
Insolvency/Atty Fees/Appl to Abandon
05/03/94 6e Set Hearing & order notice on inventory .00
05/03/94 6f Notice to Daily Reporter(inventory) .00
05/13/94 15a Application for Authority to Expend 10.00
05/13/94 15b Entry Authorizing Expenditure of Funds 250.00 5.00
05/13/94 Misc Letters .00
05/23/94 6g Proof of Publication (Inventory) .00
05/23/94 9.7 Application to Transfer Motor Vehicle .00
05/23/94 9.8 Entry Approving Transfer of Motor 92 Ford 5.00
05/23/94 cc Certified Copy 7.00
Auth A & E - L
05/25/94 9.7 Application to Transfer Motor Vehicle .00
05/25/94 9.8 Entry Approving Transfer of Motor 85 Chevrolet 5.00
05/25/94 6.b Report of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
05/25/94 Entry Approving Report of Newly 85.00 5.00
1985 Chevrolet
05/25/94 cc Certified Copy 1.00
05/27/94 6.b Report of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
05/27/94 Entry Approving Report of Newly .00 5.00
Assets -personal property located in i
semi-trlr.( not on Inv) will be account-
ed for on next accounting
05/27/94 9.5 Report of Public Auction, Advertisement 5.00
and Sale Proceeds -final settlement to
Estate - $ 9,491.41
05/27/94 9.6 Entry Approving Report of Public 5.00
05/27/94 Copy of Final Settlement .00
05/27/94 Copy of Advertisement of Auction .00
05/27/94 Copies of Buyer Registration Sheets .00
05/27/94 Auction Sales Receipts .00
05/27/94 6h judgment entry approving inventory .00
06/09/94 50h Entry Declaring Insolvency and Ordering 5.00
payment of claims and fees and authority
to abandon and to bar claims
06/09/94 aos Affidavit of Service .00
06/09/94 cr Certified Mail Returned Schoedinger .00
Bur Work Com
06/09/94 cr Certified Mail Returned Fr Co Treas .00
WMI Services
St St Bk & T
06/09/94 cr Certified Mail Returned Chemical Mtg .00
WCS Super
Cellular One
06/09/94 cr Certified Mail Returned Ameritech .00
Col Gas
06/09/94 cr Certified Mail Returned USA Mobile .00
Soc Nat Bk
Waste Mgmnt
06/09/94 cr Certified Mail Returned FAB, Inc .00
Sam's Equip
06/09/94 cr Certified Mail Returned Am Bank Ins .00
Mat Hand Who
Rocky Fork
Martel Mgmnt
06/09/94 cr Certified Mail Returned Bu Clerical .00
08/12/94 Report Elder Enterprises, Inc. - Now .00
comes C.Edward Venard and reports that
he has learned that the decd. had
incorporated under the name of Elder
08/12/94 Enterprises Inc., and that a letter .00
has been received from Jeffrey R.
Jenkins, atty. with Luper,Wolinetz,
Sheriff & Neidenthal -- copy attached
08/12/94 The fiduciary has written to Michael E. .00
Scolliere, special counsel to the
Attorney General concerning the claim
to collect overdue tax assessments. The
08/12/94 fiduciary has previously asked for .00
authority to abandon any interest in any
such corporation; and does not believe
that there are corporate assets and/or
08/12/94 there is justification for dissolution .00
of said corporation.
08/12/94 Copy of Letter from Luper,Wollinetz etal . .00
08/12/94 Copy of State of Ohio Claim .00
08/12/94 50h Entry Declaring Insolvency - AMended AMENDED 5.00
journal entry finding Estate Insolvent
and Ordering Payment of Claims and Fees
and Authority to Abandon and To Bar
08/12/94 Claims .00
08/12/94 Copy of Open End Mtg .00
08/12/94 Waiver & Consent - Insolvent Estate F Elder,III .00
D Stewart
J Pratt
09/28/94 Notice of Appearance of counsel for the .00
City of Columbus, Ohio, Thomas J. Addesa
Assistant City Attorney, and hereby s
gives notice of his appearance as
09/28/94 counsel in the above captioned case. .00
09/29/94 cos Certificate of Service to Edward Venard .00
on 9/28/94 of Notice of Appearance by
Thomas J. Addesa
09/30/94 Waiver & Consent - Insolvent Estate M Duvall .00
02/09/95 13k Notice to file Account 0000837 1.00
02/17/95 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 24.00
(2) extra pages
02/17/95 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
02/17/95 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 1894.83 .00
02/17/95 Misc letters from Vorys, Sater, Seymour .00
& Pease
02/17/95 Status Report/Paine Webber/Adjustment .00
to Inventory
1) The Inv. incorrectly listed two
health care commission checks, only one
02/17/95 check # 664738 was received and is a .00
probate asset in the amount of $ 2.00
2) The Inv. has listed Paine Webber CM
/044/88511, the value $ 120.00, but
02/17/95 this is not an asset of the estate--not .00
to be accounted for as an estate asset
3) This is an insolvent estate, and
your administrator is waiting for any
02/17/95 remaining presentation of claims--and .00
expects to file an application for
fees for costs of administration at the
time the final account is to be filed
02/17/95 Copy of returned Paine Webber check in .00
the amount of $ 120.00
02/21/95 Report/Close Out of Bank One .00
Account # 0164902
02/21/95 Copies of W/D slip and Cashier .00
check for $ 445.93
02/21/95 Copy of Close out slip - Bank One for .00
$ 445.93
02/21/95 Report of Foreclosure--Real Estate .00
02/21/95 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
04/03/95 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
11/01/95 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 02 22.00
11/01/95 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
11/01/95 fc Final Costs Rec # 036060 81.75
11/02/95 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
12/13/95 13i Judgment entry approving final account .00
10/29/01 50i Application to Reopen and Report Newly 15.00
Discovered Assets
10/29/01 50j Entry to Reopen and Report Newly 5.00
Discovered Assets
10/29/01 adl Additional Letters of Authority 1.00
10/29/01 ad Additional Deposit Rec # 172625 21.00
10/29/01 99 Case Closed. .00
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