Case Docket

Case Number: 420982  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
04/20/93 Deposit - Guardianship Application 625161 80.00
04/20/93 17.0 Appl Appmt Guardian Adult Pers/Est Horvath T 20.00
04/20/93 01 Case Number 7.00
04/20/93 02 Forms 10.00
04/20/93 03 Docketing & Recording Fees 15.00
04/20/93 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
04/20/93 05 Computer Fee 10.00
04/20/93 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 15.00
04/20/93 17e Entry Setting Hearing on Gdn Applic 05-24-1993 .00
04/20/93 15.0 Next of Kin in Guardianship appl .00
04/20/93 2.2 Waiver of Notice appl .00
04/20/93 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information appl .00
04/20/93 15.2 Guardian's Acceptance appl .00
04/20/93 15.4 Guardian's Credibility Application appl .00
04/20/93 Attention Guardians appl .00
04/20/93 op .00
04/21/93 2h Notice of Hearing to Next of Kin France,M 3.00
04/21/93 2h Notice of Hearing to Next of Kin Bard,W 3.00
04/21/93 2h Notice of Hearing to Next of Kin Canan,E 3.00
04/26/93 Return of Certified Mail-Complete Bard,W .00
04/26/93 Return of Certified Mail-Complete Canan, E .00
04/27/93 Return of Certified Mail-Complete France,M .00
05/10/93 2.1 Notice to Prospective Ward 05-07-1993 .00
05/10/93 2r Return-Notice to Prospective Ward 05-10-1993 6.80
05/10/93 17.8 Investigator's Report Nack,J .00
05/12/93 2nd Appl/Appt. of Conservator France,M .00
05/12/93 15.0 Next of Kin in Conservatorship appl .00
05/12/93 2.2 Waiver of Notice appl .00
05/12/93 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance appl .00
05/12/93 15.4 Conservator's Credibility Applic. appl .00
05/12/93 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information appl .00
05/12/93 Attention Conservators appl .00
05/12/93 Exhibit A .00
05/12/93 22m Statement of Expert Valuation Hanyak .00
05/12/93 Appearance of Counsel Everett,J .00
05/24/93 Deposit - Guardianship Appointment 627162 54.80
05/24/93 17m Referee's Report Drake .00
05/24/93 Findings of Fact .00
05/24/93 17n Entry Approving Report of Referee Drake .00
05/24/93 Cert. of Service/Report of Referee .00
05/24/93 4.2 Conservator's Bond 351,000.00 .00
05/24/93 15.5 Entry Appointing Conservator .00
05/24/93 15.5 Letters of Conservator-Person & Est Indefinite 35.00
05/24/93 cc Cert Copies-Letters of Conservator 4 4.00
05/24/93 Yellow Cost Bill for Appt. of GDN 54.80 .00
05/28/93 bond,invtry, expend funds,release funds 627507 38.00
05/28/93 4.2 Guardian's Bond-Addl. +3,000. 5.00
05/28/93 1ae Entry Increasing Bond T=354,000. 5.00
05/28/93 6.0 Guardian's Inventory 176,702.51 7.00
05/28/93 15a Application to Expend Funds 10.00
05/28/93 15b Entry Authorize Expenditure of Funds 5.00
05/28/93 15c Application to Release Funds .00
05/28/93 15d Entry Authorizing Release of Funds 5.00
05/28/93 cc Certified Copy 1.00
06/04/93 A/E Invtry Safety Deposit Box,cc 627840 16.00
06/04/93 Motion for Inv. of S.D. Box 10.00
06/04/93 Entry for Inv. of S.D. Box 5.00
06/11/93 $10. ck to Testa, Co Auditor, Inv S D Bx Ck # 6208 .00
06/11/93 cc Certified Copy 1.00
06/14/93 Inventory of Safe Deposit Box .00
07/09/93 Nwly disc assts,inc bond,sell pers prop 629789 32.00
07/09/93 4.2 Guardian's Bond-Addl VOID .00
07/09/93 1ae Entry Increasing Bond VOID 5.00
07/09/93 Application to Sell Pers.Propty 10.00
07/09/93 Entry to Sell Pers.Propty 5.00
07/09/93 9.1 Schedule of Pers.Propty to be Sold .00
07/09/93 6.b Rpt. of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
07/09/93 Entry Appr.Rpt.of New Assets 5.00
07/15/93 1ae Entry Increasing Bond -Amended T=360,000. .00
07/15/93 4.2 Guardian's Bond-ADDL +6,000.00 .00
07/15/93 Addl. bond filed 7/9/93 is not valid due .00
07/15/93 to improper signature and is hereby set .00
07/15/93 aside and held for naught. Amended .00
07/15/93 bond & entry increasing bond filed .00
07/15/93 7/15/93 takes the place of that filed .00
07/15/93 7/9/93 .00
12/14/93 fees 639741 10.00
12/14/93 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
12/14/93 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees 5.00
12/14/93 Statement of Fees .00
01/31/94 A/ E inc bond 642346 10.00
01/31/94 4.2 Guardian's Bond -Addl +60,000. .00
01/31/94 1ae Entry Increasing Bond T=420,000. 5.00
01/31/94 1a Applicatio for Additional Bond 5.00
02/10/94 Fees 643029 10.00
02/10/94 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
02/10/94 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees $2704.55 5.00
02/10/94 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees $2662.90 .00
02/10/94 Exhibit A - Legal Fee Explanation .00
02/10/94 Schedule A - Itemized Hours for Fred .00
02/10/94 Parsons Real Estate Sale .00
06/12/94 13k Notice to file Account 0002523 1.00
06/13/94 6.b Report of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
06/13/94 Entry Approving Report of Newly .00 5.00
Discovered Assets
(Real Estate)
06/13/94 Receipt 004453 13.00
06/15/94 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 01 28.00
06/15/94 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
06/15/94 13.2 Assets Remaining in Fiduciary's Hands 169933.74 .00
06/15/94 22n Guardians Report 5.00
06/15/94 soe Statement of Expert Evaluation .00
06/15/94 Receipt 004658 33.00
06/16/94 13e Setting Hearing & order notice on Accoun .00
06/16/94 13f Notice to Daily Reporter(Account) .00
06/22/94 1b Application to Reduce Bond 5.00
06/22/94 Receipt 005063 10.00
06/22/94 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond 340000.00 .00
06/22/94 1be Entry to Reduce Bond 80000.00 5.00
P Miller
07/06/94 13g Proof of Publication (Account) .00
07/27/94 13h Judgment entry approving partial account .00
10/14/94 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
10/14/94 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees 5.00
10/14/94 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees 1556.13 .00
Mae France
10/14/94 Exhibit A .00
Legal Fee Explanation
10/14/94 Schedule A .00
Itemized Hours for Fred Parsons
10/14/94 Attached Copies of Receipts .00
10/14/94 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees 5.00
10/14/94 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 5.00
10/14/94 Attached Conservatorship Fee .00
10/14/94 Receipt 012536 20.00
11/10/94 1ca Application for Attorney Fees 5.00
11/10/94 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees 5.00
11/10/94 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees M.France .00
11/10/94 Attached Schedule A .00
11/10/94 1cd Application for Fiduciary Fees 5.00
11/10/94 1ce Entry Approving Fiduciary Fees 5.00
11/10/94 1cc Consent to Attorney Fees M.France .00
11/10/94 Attached Schedule A .00
11/10/94 Receipt 014185 20.00
12/01/94 13.0 Fiduciary's Final Account 02 22.00
12/01/94 6.b Report of Newly Discovered Assets 7.00
12/01/94 Entry Approving Report of Newly .00 5.00
Assets /Ring and Stones value not
12/01/94 50m Application to Terminate 10.00
12/01/94 50n Entry Terminating and Ordering Final Y 5.00
Account to be filed forthwith.
12/01/94 Receipt 015410 49.00
12/02/94 13e Entry Setting Hearing on Account .00
01/12/95 13i Judgment entry approving final account .00
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