Case Docket

Case Number: 420838  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
04/12/93 Deposit - Guardianship Application 624679 80.00
04/12/93 17.0 Appl Appmt Guardian Adult Pers/Est Monroe,J 20.00
04/12/93 01 Case Number 7.00
04/12/93 02 Forms 10.00
04/12/93 03 Docketing & Recording Fees 15.00
04/12/93 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
04/12/93 05 Computer Fee 10.00
04/12/93 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 15.00
04/12/93 15.0 Next of Kin in Guardianship appl .00
04/12/93 15.2 Guardian's Acceptance appl .00
04/12/93 15.3 Affidavit of Additional Information appl .00
04/12/93 15.4 Guardian's Credibility Application appl .00
04/12/93 Attention Guardians appl .00
04/12/93 Statement of Expert Evaluation Wodar,R .00
04/14/93 Notice of Hearing/Harris,A/Personal Serv 04-14-1993 .00
04/15/93 Order for Process Server 5.00
04/15/93 Motion Expedited Hearing 5.00
04/15/93 17e Entry Setting Hearing on Gdn Applic 04-21-1993 .00
04/16/93 2.1 Notice to Prospective Ward 04-15-1993 .00
04/16/93 2r Return-Notice to Prospective Ward 04-16-1993 4.60
04/16/93 17.8 Investigator's Report Nack,J .00
04/16/93 50e Entry Appointing Guardian ad Litem Bellinger 5.00
04/16/93 Return of Service of Next of Kin 04-16-1993 .00
04/16/93 Affidavit of Service/Next of Kin/04-14- Harris, A .00
04/21/93 2nd Application Person&EST MashburnJ .00
04/21/93 17m Referee's Report Miller .00
04/21/93 Findings of Fact .00
04/21/93 17n Entry Approving Report of Referee .00
04/21/93 Cert. of Service/Report of Referee .00
04/21/93 15.5 Letters of Guardianship Pers & Est Indefinite 35.00
04/21/93 cc Certified Copies - Letters of Gdn 3 3.00
04/21/93 Yellow Cost Bill for Appt. of GDN 57.60 .00
04/22/93 Deposit - Guardianship Appointment 625242 .00
04/26/93 Entry sttng hrng 625484 5.00
04/26/93 Appl. to set hrg & det.counsel to be .00
04/26/93 retained by gdn .00
04/26/93 1e Entry Setting Hearing 04-30-1993 5.00
04/26/93 Guardians Bond 20,000.00 .00
04/30/93 A/E Term/ CC 625811 15.75
04/30/93 cc Certified Copy .75
04/30/93 50m Motion to Terminate Guardianship Decd 10.00
05/19/93 entry 626923 5.00
05/19/93 Entry Dispense with Inv. Acct. Case Clos ed 5.00
06/07/93 1ca Application for Attorney Fees GdnAd Ltm .00
06/07/93 1cb Entry Approving Attorney Fees GdnAd Ltm 5.00
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