Case Docket

Case Number: 419600  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
02/11/93 1.1 Deposit Full 620994 200.00
02/11/93 2.0 Application to Probate Will .00
02/11/93 2.3 Entry Admitting Will to Probate 15.00
02/11/93 01 Case Number (Daily Reporter) 7.00
02/11/93 03 Docketing & Recording Fees 15.00
02/11/93 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
02/11/93 06 Folder 1.00
02/11/93 05 Computer Fee 10.00
02/11/93 2.2 Waiver of Not. of Probate of Will DSYoung .00
02/11/93 2.2 Waiver of Not. of Probate of Will VDYoung.Jr .00
02/11/93 1.0 Surv Sp/Next of Kin/Legatee-Devisee .00
02/11/93 4.0 Appl for Authority to Admin Estate 5.00
02/11/93 1.0 Surv Sp/Next of Kin/Legatee-Devisee .00
02/11/93 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
02/11/93 3.a Application to Appoint Appraiser .00
02/11/93 Entry Appointing Appraiser J. Peck 5.00
02/11/93 4.5 Entry Appting Fid; Letters of Auth 10.00
02/11/93 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
02/11/93 cc Certified Copies of Letters 1.00
02/11/93 c Copy .75
02/11/93 02 Forms 10.00
04/19/93 6k Past Due Notice to File Inventory 1.00
04/26/93 6.0 Inventory and Appraisal 36500.00 21.00
04/26/93 6.1 Schedule of Assets 36000.00 .00
04/27/93 6e Entry Set Hrg & Ord Not. on Inv. 05-27-93 .00
04/27/93 6f Notice to Daily Reporter .00
05/19/93 6g Proof of Publication .00
05/27/93 6h JE Approving Inventory .00
12/08/93 50g Representation of Insolvency .00
12/08/93 1e Entry Setting Hearing 02-24-1994 5.00
12/08/93 Notice to Creditors of Insolvency .00
01/20/94 13k Past Due Notice to File Account 1.00
02/16/94 13a Fiduciary's Partial Account 1st 24.00
02/16/94 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
02/16/94 13.2 Assets Remaining 44,372.49 .00
02/16/94 extra pages 3.00
02/17/94 13e Entry Set Hrg & Order of Not.-Acct 03-25-94 .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Bank One .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency J Spears C .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Mellon Bk .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency HNB .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency BancOhio .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Cardholder .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Chem. Bank .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency First Card .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Chase Adv .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Firestone .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Bk America .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Bk America .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Discover .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Cent. Hard .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Lazarus .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Mt Carmel .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency McGrath .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Cols Cardi .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Kincaid & .00
02/24/94 cr Certified Mail Returned/Insolvency Nat'l C Bk .00
03/07/94 13g Proof of Publication - Account .00
03/07/94 13g Proof of Publication - Account .00
03/22/94 50h Entry Finding Estate Insolvent 5.00
03/25/94 13h Entry Approving Partial Account .00
09/02/94 50a Application for Instructions .00
09/02/94 1e Entry Setting Hearing on September 22, 5.00
1994 at 9:30 A.M. to consider:
Application for Instructions
09/22/94 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
the fid. needs to complete the sale
of estate assets
09/22/94 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 11/07/1994 5.00
Distribution of the proceeds from the at 10:30 AN
sale of estate assets according to
R.C. 2117.25
09/22/94 e Entry- the Application for Instructions 5.00
was filed to determine how to proceed
with the sale of estate assets and
closing this insolvent estate. The
09/22/94 esecutrix has sold the real estate and .00
one vehicle from the estate. There is
a buyer for the remaining vehicle. All
proceeds from the sales of estate assets
09/22/94 are to be held by counsel until the .00
Court convenes a hearing to determine
the distribution of these assets accord-
ing to R.C. 2117.25. The hearing will be
09/22/94 held November 7, 1994 at 10:30 AM .00
09/22/94 Copy of Fiduciary Deed .00
Copy of Property Conveyance Fee Stmnt.
Copy of Settlement Statement
Copy of ltr. from HNB to W Young
09/22/94 Copy of Open End Mtg .00
01/19/95 13k Notice to file Account 0032137 1.00
03/01/95 13m Citation to file Account sent to fidy 5.00
03/16/95 cs Certified Mail Sent T. Horvath 3.00
03/16/95 cs Certified Mail Sent D. Young 3.00
03/22/95 cr Certified Mail Returned D. Young .00
03/31/95 cr Certified Mail Returned T. Horvath .00
05/17/95 8ac Entry Continuing Citation Hearing For 06/22/1995 5.00
Account/for attorney ONLY
05/17/95 9a Charge of Contempt/Diana S. Young 0032137 5.00
05/17/95 9b Summons in Contempt/Diana S. Young .00
05/17/95 9c Order That Summons Issue/Diana S. Young .00
05/17/95 CONTEMPT HEARING JUNE 22, 1995 @ 9:30 AM .00
06/20/95 e Entry: This matter comes before the 5.00
Court on a show cause order against
Diana S. Young, the Executor, for her
failure to file an account; failure to
06/20/95 comply with an order of this Court .00
dated March 1, 1995; and failure to
appear before the Court at a citation
hearing for the account on April 20,
06/20/95 1995. .00
The Court notes that Diane Young was
served notice of the citation hearing by
certified mail, and her failure to
06/20/95 appear at that hearing is the basis for .00
the show cause order; however, the
attempts at personal service of the
show cause order have been unsuccessful.
06/20/95 Nevertheless, to prevent further .00
delay, the Court orders that Diane S.
Young removed as executor as provided
for in R.C. 2109.31. The Court appoints
06/20/95 Thomas Horvath Administrator W.W.A. upon .00
his filing the proper application with
the Court. The show cause order is
dismissed without prejudice.
06/20/95 9d Return of Summons in Contempt/Not .00
07/26/96 ad Additional Deposit for Successor WWA Rec # 052456 125.00
07/26/96 2.3a Certificate of Service of Notice of .00
Probate of Will
08/06/96 25.8 Ohio Estate Tax Resident F-22 Part I .00
08/06/96 25.0 Ohio Estate Tax Resident Return 10.00
08/06/96 25.9 Certificate of Estate Tax Payment .00
Part II
08/06/96 99 Entry Closing Case 5.00
08/06/96 100.0 Payout to be Issued 95.25
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