Case Docket

Case Number: 415309  

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
07/15/92 Deposit - Guardianship 608960 57.50
07/15/92 Case Number 7.00
07/15/92 Forms 10.00
07/15/92 Docketing & Recording Fees 15.00
07/15/92 Computerized Legal Research 1.50
07/15/92 Legal Aid Trust Fund 4.00
07/15/92 22 Application to Dispense w/ Guardian 20.00
07/15/92 Judgment Entry (Order for Notice) 08-05-1992 .00
07/15/92 2.2 Waiver of Notice Mother .00
07/15/92 2.2 Waiver of Notice Father .00
07/15/92 15.0 Next of Kin in Guardianship .00
07/15/92 op stat .00
08/07/92 Entry to Stay Application for 90 days M. Miller .00
08/02/95 99 Entry Closing Case .00
11/13/03 op Entry Re-Opening Case 5.00
11/13/03 cb COST BILL .00
11/13/03 02 Forms 10.00
11/13/03 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
11/13/03 04 Computerized Legal Research 3.00
11/13/03 05 Computer Fee 10.00
11/13/03 07 Legal Aid Trust Fund 15.00
11/13/03 22 Application to Dispense With Guardian 20.00
11/13/03 ge Entry Setting Hearing 01/12/2004 .00
11:00 am
11/13/03 15.1 Waiver of Notice .00
Terry Salser
John Salser
11/13/03 15.0 Next of Kin .00
11/13/03 22ar Dispense With Guardianship .00
Acknowledgment of Responsibility
11/13/03 22f Narrative Statement .00
11/13/03 Receipt 215948 78.00
01/12/04 cb COST BILL .00
01/12/04 cc Certified Copy 1.00
01/12/04 c Copy .10
01/12/04 2y Notice of Hearing on Application for .00
Dispensing With The Appointment of
A Guardian to
Megan Salser
01/12/04 bc Birth Certificate .00
01/12/04 22k Entry Dispensing With Appointment of 10000.00 5.00
Guardian and Ordering Deposit Natl City
01/12/04 Receipt 218903 6.10
01/13/04 16c Verification of Receipt or Deposit Natl City .00
acct #1893549052 10000.00
03/31/04 dr Digital Record of Hearing KCP .00
01/12/2004 22-E
Time 11:18:41-11:39:50 a.m.
04/06/04 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY 2003 .00
04/20/05 13r Custodial Depository Verification 10107.88 .00
1893579052 NCB
as of 12-31-04
05/27/05 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY 2005 .00
10/14/05 13r Custodial Year End Report 00.00 .00
1893579052 NCB
closed out 10-11-05
10/14/05 99 Case Closed. .00
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