Case Docket

Case Number: 402941  
Case Type: E  ESTATE

Date Code Description Reference Receipt Cost
11/13/90 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of .00
White, Sheila D. (fidy)
11/13/90 6.3 Entry Dispensing With Inventory .00
11/13/90 13.9 Entry Dispensing With Accounting .00
11/13/90 a Initial Deposit/Hard Docket Transfer 200.00
08/14/92 st Status Letter-Trial date set for .00
April 19, 1993
01/24/94 15k Notice to File Status Letter 02/25/1994 .00
02/03/94 st Status Letter .00
03/30/94 mcc All entries filed prior to April 1, .00
1994 should be referenced from the
hard dockets
03/31/94 d Hard Docket Transfer Debit/Cost 177.75
04/06/94 1.1 Full Estate Rec # 000274 125.00
04/06/94 13c Fiduciary's Final Account (Keep Open) 2 24.00
04/06/94 13.1 Receipts and Disbursements .00
04/06/94 4.0 Application for Authority to Administer Successor 5.00
04/06/94 4.a Waiver of Right to Administer .00
from J. Gary Coffman, Guardian of the
Estate of Shelia White
04/06/94 3.b Application to Dispense With Appraisal .00
04/06/94 Entry Dispensing With Appraisal 5.00
04/06/94 4.2 Fiduciary's Bond (Successor) 20000.00 .00
04/06/94 1.0 Surviving Spouse, Next of Kin, Legatee- Spouse .00
04/06/94 4.0a Fiduciary's Acceptance .00
04/06/94 4.5 Entry Appointing Fiduciary, Letter of Successor 10.00
Rinehart, Adam R. (fidy)
04/06/94 11a Resignation of Fiduciary 5.00
Sheila White
04/06/94 11b Entry Accepting Resignation and Ordering 05/06/1994 5.00
Final Account
White, Sheila D. (fidy)
04/06/94 Notice of Appointment of Fiduciary .00
04/06/94 cc Certified Copy 2.00
04/06/94 c Copy .75
04/06/94 igf Indigent Guardianship Fund 30.00
04/06/94 02 Forms 10.00
04/06/94 03 Docketing & Index 15.00
04/06/94 05 Computer Fee 10.00
04/06/94 06 Folder 1.00
04/07/94 13e Entry Setting Hearing and Ordering 05/13/1994 .00
Notice on Account
04/07/94 13f Notice to Daily Reporter (Account) .00
04/25/94 13g Proof of Publication (Account) .00
05/12/94 14e Entry Setting Wrongful Death Settlement 05/16/1994 5.00
for Hearing at 11:00AM
05/13/94 13j Judgment Entry Approving Final Account .00
(Keep Open)
White, Sheila D. (fidy)
05/13/94 13i Judgment Entry Approving Final Account 02 .00
White, Sheila D. (fidy)
05/16/94 e Entry-The application for approval 5.00
of the WD Settlement and for the
Approvl of Fees has been submitted
to this Court for its approval. The
05/16/94 undersigned ( Judge Belskis) recognizes .00
he has had involvement with this case
prior to being elected Probate Judge
and hereby assigns these matters to the
05/16/94 presiding Judge of the Common Pleas .00
Court for review and approval of both
the Wd Settlement & Fees.
05/16/94 2.2 Waiver of Notice J G Coffman .00
A R Rinehart
05/16/94 Ex A- Copy of Contract for Legal .00
Services ( Michael Colley)
05/16/94 Ex B. -Copy of Appl.for Auth to Enter .00
into Cont. Fee Contract on Case #
05/16/94 Ex.C - Copy of Client Cost Ledger .00
( M.Colley)
05/16/94 Ex.D. - Copy of Client fee schedule for .00
Attys. Teaford,Rich,Coffman & Wheeler
05/16/94 e Order & Entry - Succ. Adm.authorized 5.00
to accept said offer of settlement in
amt. of $ 200,000.00 with the following
distribution: Atty.Fees to M.Colley
05/16/94 in the amt. of $80,000.00; 2) Reimburse .00
ment of advanced & outstanding costs in
the amt. of $ 24,372.33 to Michael
Colley Co.; 3) Reimbursement of advanced
05/16/94 & outstanding costs in the amt. of .00
$ 9,482.22 payable to Teaford,Rich,
Coffman & Wheeler; 4) reimbursement of
advanced & outstanding costs
05/16/94 in the amt. of $550.00 payable to .00
Talbott & Rinehart; 5) The Applicant
is authorized to execute releases in
full satisfaction and release of all
05/16/94 claims of the Estate of Anthony White .00
against Defendants Grant Medical Center
and Paul Addessi, M.D. among the
beneficiaries; 6) That the final
05/16/94 distribution shall be determined .00
at a later hearing
This entry approved by Judge R.S.Sheward
05/30/95 15k Notice to file Status Letter 0041572 1.00
06/15/95 st Status Letter 5.00
06/30/95 Application for Approval of .00
Settlement for Anthony White, Deceased
06/30/95 1e Entry Setting Hearing on application 08/03/1995 5.00
for approval of settlement 10:30 A.M.
08/03/95 1da Application for Continuance of Hearing .00
08/03/95 1de Entry Continuing Hearing 09/06/1995 5.00
distribution of WD proceeds at 9:30 am
08/03/95 Affidavit of J Gary Coffman .00
08/03/95 cr Certified Mail Returned - Completed .00
Notice of Hearing on Appl. to Approve
Settlement 8/3/95 at 10:30 am FCDHS
W White
08/03/95 C Hayes .00
L Jones
R White
08/03/95 Letter to all parties inquiring the .00
address of Delbert J. White from
Janet Tomesek
08/08/95 cos Certificate of Service .00
of notice of hearing for distribution of
WD proceeds by 1st class US mail to
J F Hatcher and by personal service at
08/08/95 the Probate Court on 8/3/95 to .00
G Coleman, A Rinehart, W Harrison,
D White, L Jones, R White and
G White
09/06/95 Sheila Ehite Trust Agreement .00
01/10/96 e Entry ordering that the Applicant 5.00
as Successor Administrator of the
Estate is hereby authorized to accept
settlemnt payment of $56,415.56
01/10/96 and to make the following distributions: .00
1. Attorney fees in the amount of
$250.00, payable to Talbott and
01/10/96 2. Distribution of $56,165.56 to .00
J. Gary Coffman, guardian of the
estate of Sheila White.
01/10/96 cc Certified Copy 3.00
03/04/96 ci PHYSICAL INVENTORY .00
05/20/96 15k Notice to file Status Letter 0041572 1.00
06/03/96 st Status Letter 5.00
09/06/96 50t Application for Approval of Settlement .00
for Anthony White, Deceased.
09/06/96 50u Order and Entry that the Applicant, 5.00
as Successor Administrator of the
Estate of Anthony White, is hereby
authorized to accept the final settle-
09/06/96 ment payment of $29,179.89 and to make .00
the following distributions:
1. Payment of $21,025.65 to Medicare
2. Attorney Fees, as set forth in
09/06/96 the Application, in the amount of .00
$750.00, payable to Talbott and Rinehart
3. Distribution of $7,404.24 to J.
Gary Coffman, guardian of the estate of
09/06/96 Shelia White. .00
01/07/97 14.3 Report of Distribution of Wrongful .00
Death and Survival Claims.
01/07/97 14.4 Entry Approving Report of Distribution y 5.00
of Wrongful Death Proceeds
01/07/97 fc Final Costs Rec # 062393 30.50
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